Former Anxiety and Panic Attack Sufferer Gives Insight Into Overcoming Anxiety and Panic Attacks

A former Anxiety & Panic Attack (APD) sufferer reveals his win against two of the most common mental illnesses. His method? Using simple and easy mental techniques to train the brain into developing a stronger relaxation response.
NEW YORK - June 30, 2014 - PRLog -- Ken A. Powell, a former APD sufferer, opens up about his anxiety disorder and reveals his process to "break free from the panic loop and live a happier life". Interestingly, the man has done it without any sort of long-term medication, and without spending huge sums of money on external therapies and treatments.

Powell, who has helped many in the area of Anxiety Disorders and Panic Attacks revealed, “It’s time we separate fact from fiction, and myths from truths. The real story here is that panic attacks and anxiety disorders can be overcome simply and quickly without any sort of medication, because the body and mind itself is a healing mechanism on its own, if we know how to use it properly. However, if we rely on long-term medications, we end up becoming so used to taking these drugs and may have to depend on them for the rest of our lives to barely survive.”

As proof, Powell asks anxiety and panic sufferers to consider these three areas before going through with taking medications and traditional therapies to combat their struggles:

AREA #1: Are you comfortable with taking pills on a daily basis?

AREA #2: Do you already know strategies that can help you relieve some of your symptoms or anxiety occurrences?

AREA #3: Do you already accept the fact that you have this condition, no matter how badly you want to feel normal and not try to resist it?

These areas of consideration are just the starting point to overcoming anxiety and panic attacks.

Powell says, "There are many, many remedies out there on the Internet and on the streets. However, they are just bits and pieces of the puzzle. Anxiety and panic disorders are a problem that's integral to the mind and body, which has to be resolved in a similar integral fashion, starting from the mind."

"Fortunately," Powell explains, "Bringing down anxiety and panic does not need to involve complicated, sophisticated methods, nor do you have to spend thousands on therapies and medication. You just need to know the entire system and responses to deal with anxiety."

The complete step-by-step solution is fully documented in a new special report, “Secrets To Overcoming Panic & Anxiety: Living Your New Stress-Free Life”. The report is available for immediate download, and to help as many people as possible, this valuable report is available now for only $37.

Ken A. Powell has over 2 years of experience in the areas of Anxiety Disorders and Panic Attacks. He has spoken to many on the subject of taking a holistic and natural approach to combating panic attacks and anxiety disorders.

His website, Go Panic Free, aims to help sufferers who find it too costly to seek traditional treatment, yet want a simple and cost-effective solution to overcome their anxiety and panic struggles.

Ken A. Powell

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