Pope Francis: "Beware the Worldly Food Which Enslaves Us"

CLEVELAND - July 28, 2014 - PRLog -- Celebrating Mass on the feast of Corpus Christi, Pope Francis preached about Christ present in the Eucharist. Our holy father reminded the Church that Christ is our true food, yet the faithful must be warned of counterfeits! Read on to hear some of our favorite quotes from the Holy Father.

On Spiritual Hunger:

"Besides physical hunger, man experiences another hunger, a hunger that cannot be satiated with ordinary food. It's a hunger for life, a hunger for love, a hunger for eternity...

Jesus gives us this food, rather, He himself is the living bread that gives life to the world (cf. Jn 6:51). His Body is the true food in the form of bread; his Blood is the true drink in the form of wine. It isn't simple nourishment to satisfy the body, like manna; the Body of Christ is the bread of the last times, capable of giving life, eternal life, because this bread is made of love."

How Great the Lord's Love is:

"The Eucharist communicates the Lord's love for us: a love so great that it nourishes us with Himself; a freely given love, always available to every person who hungers and needs to regenerate his own strength. To live the experience of faith means to allow oneself to be nourished by the Lord and to build one's own existence not with material goods but with the reality that does not perish: the gifts of God, his Word and his Body."

On True Food and Tainted Food:

"If we look around, we realize that there are so many offers of food which do not come from the Lord and which appear to be more satisfying. Some nourish themselves with money, others with success and vanity, others with power and pride. But the food that truly nourishes and satiates us is only that which the Lord gives us! The food the Lord offers us is different from other food, and perhaps it doesn't seem as flavourful to us as certain other dishes the world offers us. So we dream of other dishes, like the Hebrews in the desert, who longed for the meat and onions they ate in Egypt, but forgot that they had eaten those meals at the table of slavery. In those moments of temptation, they had a memory, but a sick memory, a selective memory. A slave memory, not a free one...

Soon, in the procession, we will follow Jesus truly present in the Eucharist. The Host is our manna, through which the Lord gives himself to us. We turn to Him with faith: Jesus, defend us from the temptation of worldly food which enslaves us, tainted food; purify our memory, so it isn't imprisoned in selfish and worldly selectivity, but that it may be a living memory of your presence throughout the history of your people, a memory that makes a "monument" of your gesture of redeeming love."

You can read Pope Francis' entire homily on the Vatican's website at http://w2.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/homilies/2014/documents/papa-francesco_20140619_omelia-corpus-domini.html


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