![]() Global patent database PatSeer now with daily and monthly subscriptions for project-driven patent search needsNew subscription options make PatSeer Lite one of the first global patent databases with 100+ authorities, 17 countries full-text coverage, searchable machine translations, legal status, PDFs and more, to be available to legal and scientific community at cost effective prices with automated online activation.
By: Gridlogics Technologies Pvt Ltd Unlike other products that contain reduced patent coverage in their cheaper editions, PatSeer Lite includes the same coverage as PatSeer Premier and includes a variety of search forms to suit both professional searchers and technology professionals. Any user can now get a PatSeer Lite edition id activated for free and pay only when they require access to the database. The activation can be done instantly online any time of the day via credit card payment and eliminates sales process hassles and associated delays. PatSeer Lite edition covers 90 million+ records from 100+ countries including full text data of 17 countries, integrated simple and extended families, INPADOC legal status, citations, PDFs, Images and more. The system offers powerful result set filtering and a wide range of charting and export options.The underlying patent database is updated multiple times each week with manual data quality checks. The system supports searching in multiple languages including non-Latin text. The search interface offers no compromise on any advanced search technique and also includes Natural Language Searching. “Most independent patent searchers and even law firms, require access to a professional patent database when a project requirement comes up. Currently most common patent databases that are available for purchase online for short durations have very limited coverage and search interface. With daily and monthly subscription options, PatSeer Lite allows such users to eliminate guesswork on their expected project workload and purchase an access only when they require it. We have also simplified the online activation process so that users can begin using the application instantly after purchase. With the new flexible subscription option companies with project based search needs can save on their database expenditure and also transparently pass these expenses to their clients if need be.” said Manish Sinha, Chief Technology Officer, Gridlogics. “We believe that PatSeer lite edition offers industry-grade global patent coverage and the best feature-to-cost ratio amongst professional patent database products.” Media Contact Gargee Patankar ***@patentinsightpro.com +14086892603 Photos: https://www.prlog.org/ https://www.prlog.org/ https://www.prlog.org/ End