Recent Sycamore High School Graduate Writes Book about Reforming America’s Broken Education System

Rajat Bhageria is a student at Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, OH and wrote “What High School Didn’t Teach Me” after the summer of his senior year.
CINCINNATI - Aug. 18, 2014 - PRLog -- Cincinnati, OH – After graduating from Sycamore High School in 2014, Rajat Bhageria decided that America’s education system needed change. He wrote his first book, What High School Didn’t Teach Me: A Recent Graduate’s Perspective on How High School is Killing Creativity to provide educators with some novel solutions from fresh eyes.

“High school is killing creativity by forcing students to memorize factoids, rather than inspiring them to pursue creative endeavors and teaching them how to problem solve.”

In the book, Bhageria describes how too many high school students today focus all of their efforts on maintaining high grades, rather than on developing intrinsic motivation for their passions.

He addresses many major subjects in education reform: English, social studies, mathematics, sciences, research/engineering, entrepreneurship, computer science, liberal arts, the college process, and even proposes a full revamp of the high school experience.

Bhageria says that he truly enjoyed his time at Sycamore, but
argues that there is always room for improvement, especially when the stake
is the future of the country. “Remember, according to Einstein, ‘insanity’ is ‘doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.’ America is most definitely not one of the best education systems in the world (the 2012 PISA results suggest that students from over 30 countries score better than American students).”

“We need change. In writing this book, I hope to provide educators high up in the hierarchy with fresh suggestions different from the hackneyed ones that many congressmen share. After all, who’s more likely to see a problem in the contemporary education system: someone who has been experiencing high school for the last four years, or someone who graduated thirty years ago?”

Who is Rajat Bhageria? He is the Founder and CEO of—an online writing community he founded in high school that allows young writers to publish, share, and gain recognition for their creative writing around the world. He graduated from Sycamore High School in 2014 and is attending University of Pennsylvania (UPenn) this year. See his full portfolio at

Read the book to find out more.

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Rajat Bhageria

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