ILHA conference talks Hotel Online Reputation Management & Retail Partnership opportunities

Our industry experts will share the latest information on online reputation management best practices successful retail partnerships at the International Luxury Hotel Association Fast Forward 2020 Conference in September.
WASHINGTON - Aug. 27, 2014 - PRLog -- How does your hotel handle negative reviews online? Who manages your social media presence? Learn the most effective best practices in online reputation management, ensuring your hotel’s reputation stays intact.

Who is the panel? Chris Keneally, Relationship Selling Evangelist with LinkedIn, V.J. Kelley, Head of Key Accounts at TripAdvisor, Jonathan Newbury, Vice President, Strategic Development at Preferred Hotel Group and Alan Young, Vice President, Strategic Partnerships, TrustYou. Mathew Evins, Chairman & CEO of Evins Communications will be moderating this dynamic discussion.

More agenda highlights include Defining your Brand – Exploring Partnership Opportunities with Luxury Retail. More and more hotels are partnering with fashion designers, high end jewelers, boutique amenities and other luxury retail brands to create unique guest experiences.

Eric Sinoway, President, AXCESS WORLDWIDE, and Mathew Evins, Chairman & CEO of Evins Communications will help you understand the opportunities that exist and what steps need to be taken to ensure you select the right partner.

See the full agenda at

The International Luxury Hotel Association will be holding their Fast Forward 2020 Conference ( Sept. 22-23, at the Gaylord National Convention Center in Washington D.C. The ILHA is the luxury hotel industry’s biggest influencer, reaching over 300,000 hospitality professionals through its Media Channels and Publications. They are bringing together Industry Experts and Thought Leaders to answer the greatest challenges facing hotel business today.

The International Luxury Hotel Association is a membership based global non-profit association for the luxury hospitality and travel industry. The ILHA provides its members with the resources needed to enhance professionalism, ensuring their continued growth and success to better meet and exceed the expectations of their guests. The goals of the ILHA are to improve service standards, create a global forum for communication between luxury hoteliers, promote innovation and help its members make the right technology decisions for their hotel

Contact Sharon Hirschowitz for more information

Sharon Hirschowitz
International Luxury Hotel Association PRs
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