Poison Gas from Fracking makes Texas Highway FM 1053 a Health Hazard, Motorcycling Activist WarnsAlong both sides of the 30-mile stretch of state highway connecting Fort Stockton with Imperial TX are posted more than 30 "Caution: Poison Gas", "Caution: H2S Gas Present" and other warnings that "breathing while driving" here is a risky proposition.
By: IronBoltBruce.com "Who are these signs supposed to protect?" IronBoltBruce asked. "The passengers of vehicles motoring through this toxic gas gauntlet? If so, how should the drivers of those vehicles react? If a pregnant mother rolls up her windows, will she and her children in the back seat be safe, or will it make no difference? And what about those of us whose vehicles have no windows? Should motorcyclists don gas masks before traversing Texas FM 1053?" IronBoltBruce provides compelling empirical evidence that the ecocidal hydraulic fracturing oil well stimulation technique and shale gas extraction process commonly called "fracking" that has brought earthquakes to Arlington [bit(dot)ly/ That drivers, riders and passengers along Texas Highway FM 1053 are being exposed to H2S is a certainty. ClimateScienceWatch.org advises that other toxins they are likely inhaling include "...volatile organic compounds (VOCs) like benzene, a carcinogen; sulfur dioxide and particulates; According to Weather.com, people who live close to or otherwise have extended exposure to "...oil and gas development - whether in Texas' Eagle Ford, Pennsylvania's Marcellus Shale or Wyoming's Green River Basin - tend to report the same symptoms: nausea, nosebleeds, headaches, body rashes and respiratory problems. Public health experts say these shared experiences point to a pressing need for improved air monitoring [bit(dot)ly/ Contact VVV PR ***@vvvpr.com Photos: https://www.prlog.org/ https://www.prlog.org/ https://www.prlog.org/ End