Apex vertical transport master classes take off

South East London lift manufacturer, Apex Lifts is now offering its vertical transport master classes to non-clients in a bid to help organisations improve their lift and escalator reliability and safety performance.
SOUTH EAST, U.K. - Oct. 13, 2014 - PRLog -- Apex Lifts has successfully launched a ‘Vertical Transport Master Class’ programme at its head office in Sidcup, South East London. The classes designed for property and facilities management teams, teach the basic principles of lifts operation and safety management.

The classes are already proving popular with Apex’s existing customers, including major corporations and housing associations such as Hanover and Central & Cecil (C&C). So much so, Apex is now extending the offer of master classes to non-client organisations too.

Apex Service manager, John Roberts, co-hosts the master classes. He says: “All the feedback we’ve had has been incredibly positive. Delegates leave the classes able to deal with any lift problems with much greater knowledge, and thus in a safer, calmer fashion. Plus, we have a bit of fun while we do it. There’s even a trophy up for grabs for the person who scores highest in the quiz at the end.”

The master classes use a combination of classroom education, video and practical demonstrations to look at different lift operating systems and common safety hazards, and how to manage them efficiently and effectively.

“It is vital those who are managing lifts have a good understanding of how they operate, their safety systems and how hazards can be avoided,” says Warren Jenchner, Managing Director. “At Apex, we are always looking at new ways to improve reliability and safety performance. Educating those who look after lifts on a day-to-day basis is sure to have a positive impact.”

Warren Jenchner
020 8300 2929
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