Sixty Lessons from the Garden-Stories about Food, Family and Social Media, Saturday, November 15

Pre-Thanksgiving harvest celebration, conference to explore how urban gardens and women storytellers can solve our health and economic crisis. Set on the grounds of an historic church, all Media, Business, Residents in support of expanded urban gardens and re-imagined green space in the heart of Columbus, Ohio, and beyond, are invited.
By: Telos Training, Inc.
COLUMBUS, Ohio - Nov. 5, 2014 - PRLog -- Women storytellers and organic food will be featured at Sixty Lessons from the Garden, a conference and harvest urban garden party set for, Saturday, November 15, 8am-4pm, at the 101 years-old Church of Christ of the Apostolic Faith, Columbus, a major stop for the Great Migration of African Americans and political candidates in local, state and national elections. Workshop presenters will cover topics such as storytelling, food, health, family, and social media.

"I’m doing the cooking and welcome everyone to join us for a day of nourishing our minds, bodies and souls. We are facing a health and economic crisis that women can help solve. We started a new garden on the grounds of a historic church to offer affordable, organic food to struggling families. We intend this event to plant seeds for sustained learning and community outreach,” said Paula Penn-Nabrit, organic chef and executive director, Telos Training, Inc., a non-profit organization sponsoring the benefit event.

"Women often bear disproportionate financial responsibilities for families. The burden is even greater for those earning a minimum wage. Growing your own food is like printing your own money. Learning to pickle, can and preserve food is a practical savings plan taught to us by our grandmothers. The garden holds many more life lessons. That’s what we will explore at the conference," Penn-Nabrit said.

The presenters are: Paula Penn-Nabrit, Bio-Diversity: Great for Gardens and Life; Barbara Nabrit Stephen, Seed Starting: Nursing, Organic Feeding & Good Nutrition; Sylvia Wong Lewis, We are Heirloom Seeds: Know Your Family’s Story; and Patricia Patton, Spreading Your Seeds: Learn to Master Social Media.

The theme “Sixty Lessons from the Garden” coincides with Penn-Nabrit’s 60th birthday. “We have planned a fun day with the number sixty to launch our urban garden movement,” said Penn-Nabrit, an attorney and Wellesley graduate whose family has lived in Columbus for over 100 years. The garden was named for her late husband who died last year. The Charles Madison Nabrit Memorial Garden is a 3,750 square foot, biologically diverse and self-sustaining space created to provide access to affordable, organic produce in an ‘urban food desert.’ Here is a link to a brief video,

Telos Training, Inc. designed the garden and through social media, generous support from Lowe's of Central Columbus, Kurtz Brothers, Franklin Park Conservatory's "Growing Green," and grants from the United Way, McKesson and Saks Fifth Avenue, raised the funds to purchase seeds, plants, lumber, organic soil, drip irrigation system, rain barrels, composters, perimeter fencing and solar lighting. The sons and nephews of the late Charles Madison Nabrit turned 700 feet of untreated lumber into over 35 raised beds, filled them with 20 tons of organic soil and then engineered the above ground, drip irrigation system. They are currently filling 4-foot walkways between the beds with 20 tons of pea gravel.

The garden is planted with Herbs: Basil, Lavender, Lemon Balm, Parsley, Rosemary, Sage and Thyme; Flowers: Daffodils, Dahlias, Hibiscus, Hydrangea, Marigold, Nasturtium, Peonies, Roses, Tulips and Zinnia. Fruits: Blueberries, Cantaloupe, Strawberries & Watermelon; and Veggies: Asparagus, Beets, Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage, Carrots, Cauliflower, Celery, Collard Greens, Corn, Cucumbers, Garlic, Green Beans, Hot Peppers, Kale, Mustard Greens, Onions, Romaine Lettuce, Shallots, Spinach, Sugar Snap Peas, Sweet Peppers, Tomatoes, Turnips, Yukon Gold Potatoes and Zucchini.

Farmer’s Market and Bake Sales are held every Wednesday, Saturday afternoons at the garden, by appointment-only. Community classes on Pickling, Preserving and Canning are also held at the garden.

The price for the ‘60 Lessons from the Garden,’ conference is $60 and includes workshops, snacks, lunch and garden tour. Please RSVP at 614-835-6784 or send email to,

Telos Training, Inc.
Source:Telos Training, Inc.
Email:*** Email Verified
Tags:Garden, Storytellers, Urban, Food, Nonprofit, Women, Media, Genealogy
Industry:Family, Food, Non-profit
Location:Columbus - Ohio - United States
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