The Biography of Inventor John Hays Hammond, Jr., Gets a Second VolumeFifty Years After His Death, More Details of His Life are Explored
Although the son of a wealthy mining engineer, Hammond earned his own millions from the patents on his inventions. He built himself a castle replete with drawbridge to serve as his residence, his laboratory, and a museum for his Roman, medieval, and Renaissance collections. The castle’s eighty-foot towers house the pipes to one of the country’s largest pipe organs. The home is situated so that it overlooks the Atlantic Ocean from a rocky cliff in Gloucester, Massachusetts, and it now continues on as Hammond Castle Museum. The summer release date for the biography’s second volume is because that is when interest in Hammond increases due to the seasonal opening of his museum. “I thought I had covered all there was about the man,” says Dandola. “But as polite and thorough as I was in seeking interviews, frustratingly, some information was volunteered only after the biography was in print. On top of that, I was continually being contacted through my web site by readers asking for more and more details. I kept finding myself in a position similar to teaching school and there was always a student who raised another question or another misconception I hadn’t thought of exploring myself so I went back and re-examined the bio to see what needed expanding.” The new material includes a complete list of Hammond’s patents (with descriptions) “That needed doing,” Dandola states quite emphatically. “The rumors have simply gotten out of hand. They’re fun and they make for great copy but for the most part, they’re ridiculous and the internet has only compounded the problem by repeating them to a worldwide audience. To be sure, Hammond was quite a local character. He was the man who, in the years prior to World War I, used to send full-sized unmanned ships out into Gloucester Harbor then he’d guide those ships by remote control from the cliffs like they were miniatures in a bathtub. It scared the be-jesus out of the locals who took to calling them ‘ghost-ships’ Is the biographer willing to share any examples of those rumors? “Sure, since this is being posted on the internet, maybe it will help curtail the widespread inaccuracies,” When he explains it, Dandola easily puts that internet yarn into a much more proper and believable perspective. He is also adamant about correcting a rumor about Hammond’s now-fashionable association with Nikola Tesla. “That’s probably the second most repeated rumor,” Dandola stresses. “Because of the re-emergence of Tesla’s popularity in the past few decades, his devotees have claimed that Tesla lived at Hammond Castle during some of his final years. He did not. To be honest, Tesla was not the put-upon misunderstood genius he is now made out to be. He was a very difficult personality to get along with. As a young man, Hammond had idolized Tesla and tried to work with him but Tesla made it such an intolerable situation that the two parted ways. At the end of Tesla’s life, out of respect, Hammond did help him financially— There is a third inaccuracy about Hammond which Dandola considers putting a bit too much unnecessary shine on the apple. “Hammond's doctorate was honorary. It is certainly arguable that he deserved it more than a great many who completed the university courses to earn such a degree but, because it was an honorary title, Hammond did not use it professionally. Unfortunately, the museum has been calling him ‘Dr. Hammond’ for decades and it is just plain wrong.” Dandola takes his job as a biographer quite seriously and he does indeed have the ability to dismantle rumored incidents and filter the components into fact. As he himself sums up: “Most of the rumors have a certain amount of craziness attached to them because much of Hammond’s life has been victimized by people fabricating connections or reasons instead of researching and then reporting reality. The museum staff is even guilty of that. Was Hammond colorful? Without a doubt. He possessed a dramatic flair so often lacking in many other inventors but because he wasn’t dull and boring certainly doesn’t mean he deserves to be remembered as a crackpot.” Besides being a biographer and historian, John Dandola is also a published novelist, a produced screenwriter, and a produced playwright. John Hays Hammond, Jr., has been featured as a prominent character in two of Dandola’s mystery novels which are set during the 1940's. His web site is Photo: End