Book Discussion of FALLING UPWARD Date Change

Originally scheduled for February 15th the discussion has been rescheduled to Sunday March 1, 2015
MORRISTOWN, N.J. - Feb. 2, 2015 - PRLog -- On Sunday, March 1, 2015, at 3:30 PM at St. Mark Lutheran Church, 100 Harter Road, Morristown, NJ, Voice of the Faithful New Jerseywill present a discussion of Fr. Richard Rohr’s book, Falling Upward, Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life.

In this book Fr. Richard Rohr offers a new paradigm for understanding one of life’s most  profound mysteries:  how our failings can be the foundation for our ongoing spiritual growth.  Drawing on the wisdom of time-honored myths, heroic poems, great thinkers and sacred religious texts, he explores the two halves of  life to show that those who have fallen, failed, or “gone down” are the only ones who understand “up.”  We grow spiritually more by doing it wrong than by doing it right.  With rare insight, Rohr takes us on a journey to give us an understanding of how the heartbreaks, disappointments, and weaknesses of life can actually be stepping stones to the spiritual joys that the second half of life has in store for us.  He states:

“…in my opinion, this first-half-of-life task is no more than finding the starting gate.  It is merely the warm-up act, not the full journey.  It is the raft but not the shore.  If you realize that there is a further journey, you might do the warm-up act quite differently, which would better prepare you for what follows.  People at any age must know about the whole arc of their life and where it is tending and leading.”

A Franciscan priest of the New Mexico Province, Fr. Richard Rohr founded the Center for Action and Contemplation in Albuquerque, New Mexico in 1986.  He is the author of more than 20 books, translated into many languages.  An internationally known speaker, he is also well known for his numerous recorded teachings, through the Center’s quarterly publication,Radical Grace, and is a regular contributing writer for Sojourners and Tikkun magazines.  He uses many platforms in teaching on such themes as adult Christian spirituality, Scripture as liberation, male spirituality, politics and spirituality, nature, and interfaith dialogue.

All are welcome.  Liturgy will follow. There is no charge for the program.

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