Free Book Release - The Circle of Profit by Anik SingalUnless you've been hiding under a rock, I am sure you've heard all the buzz going around about Anik Singal's new "soon-to-be-best-seller" book called "Circle of Profit".
By: You can get the physical version shipped to your house, or for the next couple of days, you can download it for free, sort of... I say that it's sort of free because the physical book is not free... actually, the digital copy isn't free either - normally... but for a few days it is, so grab it quickly while you can. >>> This book is going to show you exactly how to take your passion, and turn it into a profitable online business. It's an easy read, and very insightful - and having received an early preview into the contents of the book - it's definitely one you DON'T want to miss. Here are just some of the MANY things this book covers: - The quickest and easiest way to get started making money online - The exact model Anik uses to run his $10 million a year business, and how you can easily replicate it - Step by step guide to taking your passion, and turning it into an online business, making your first dollar - Specific case studies that will show you how to take that first $1 you earned, and turn it into a real income producing business. You can download the book for free for this week only, after that I can't guarantee a free copy. (Though they may surprise us all, you never know) Something else worth noting, this book is leading up to the launch of Anik's own hit product and online training program, Profit Academy. In Profit Academy, students will be learning how to take their passion and turn it into a business. They will be taught this via two very indepth modules: 1. How to build an email list of customers that love you, and love to buy from you. 2. How to create your OWN product, and have affiliates chomping at the bitts to sell it FOR you and sky-rocket your earnings! For those who are interested in more information, Internet Marketer Jeff Lenney did a review and bonus of profit academy, that you can read here. If you do decide to purchase Profit Academy through Jeff's link, he's offering a bonus worth $4,950 INCLUDING up to 1 hour of PRIVATE coaching with Jeff. As Anik's head coach for over 2 1/2 years, Jeff has gained some amazing insight and insiders knowledge that can truly help YOU take your online earnings to the next level. He normally charges $5,000 or more for private coaching, but if you do decide to purchase profit academy via his link, you can take advantage of this special offer. Not only will you learn how to turn your passion into your business, but you'll get some amazing pre-done packages from Jeff to really help you step out and take things to the next level. You can read more about Jeff's Bonus here. Once again, don't forget your free book! Free Download: The Circle of Profit Contact Jeff Lenney *** Photos: End