Feb. 23, 2015 -
PRLog -- FREDERICK, MD - Each year, Love & Company, a consulting firm and ad agency that specializes in marketing retirement communities throughout the country, celebrates its anniversary during a one week “Love Fest.” This year, as part of celebrating the firm’s 35
th anniversary, Love & Company employees brought in food donations to be donated to Blessings in a Backpack, as well as participating in a fundraising contest, which raised more than $650. Six of the senior leaders – Rob Love, president & CEO, Tom Mann, executive vice president, strategic marketing and sales, Lisa Pearre, executive vice president, client services, Tyler Sprecher, executive vice president, creative & brand strategy, Tim Bracken, vice president, business development, and Bob Gunter, director of operations –volunteered to be “pied” in the face if they ended up with the most money in their bucket at the end of the week. Hermine Bernstein, Program Director of Blessings in a Backpack, attended the unveiling of the winner and did the honor of throwing a pie at Rob Love!
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