For Indie Bookstore Day, Author Pre-Releases Her New Book to Select Indie BookstoresAuthor Loreen Niewenhuis will pre-release her new book about the islands of the Great Lakes to select independent bookstores. The timing coincides with National Independent Bookstore Day. Niewenhuis has been a staunch supporter of indie bookstores and believes they have a vital role in keeping literature diverse and alive.
By: LakeTrek Niewenhuis has made arrangements to do a pre-release of her new book, A 1000-MILE GREAT LAKES ISLAND ADVENTURE (published by Crickhollow Books of Milwaukee), to select indie bookstores on May 1. Niewenhuis said the pre-release is her way of thanking the indie bookstores for their enthusiasm for her books and also a way to give them access to the new book a month ahead of Amazon. Niewenhuis has repeatedly blogged about the importance of indie bookstores, and her essay "Amazon is Evil" is one of the most-viewed posts on her blog. The timing of the indie-only release coincides with National Independent Bookstore Day, May 2. In June the book will enter full distribution. Author Loreen Niewenhuis will pack the month of May with events at indie bookstores participating in the indie-only release of A 1000-MILE GREAT LAKES ISLAND ADVENTURE. Indie Booksellers are quick to praise Niewenhuis's books and her events at indie bookstores. From Pam and Dick Haferman, owners of Black River Books in South Haven, Michigan: "Whether hiking the coasts or islands of the Great Lakes or sharing passages from her books or hand signing them in an independent bookstore, Loreen’s recipe for success is quite simple. She is passionate, prepared and personable. Her books are always front and center in our store, and her visits are a key attraction for our customers. Loreen Niewenhuis, ardent adventurer and talented writer, has become our friend." Barbara Siepker, former owner of The Cottage Book Shop, Glen Arbor, Michigan: “Loreen Niewenhuis is a wonder, for her vision, accomplishment and ability to engage and excite her audience.” This new book (A 1000-MILE GREAT LAKES ISLAND ADVENTURE) chronicles Niewenhuis's third Great Lakes Adventure. The first told the story of her 1,000-mile hike around Lake Michigan (A 1000-MILE WALK ON THE BEACH). This book spent time on the Heartland Indie Bestseller List in 2011 and was awarded “Best Non-Fiction Beach Read” in 2012 by the Beach Book Festival. Niewenhuis's second book was about her ambitious 1,000-mile hike touching all five Great Lakes (A 1000-MILE GREAT LAKES WALK). This book won the "Great Lakes Great Reads Award." All three of the books in this trilogy are published by Crickhollow Books of Milwaukee. Niewenhuis is a MFA graduate and a past medical researcher with a bachelors of science from Calvin College and a masters of science from Wayne State University. In all three of her books, she offers witness to the natural beauty of the Great Lakes and their islands, and a concern for the health of the Great Lakes as she explored the long and troubling pattern of ecological abuses and environmental challenges. This final book in the series focuses on the islands of the Great Lakes. This adventure spanned from Isle Royale (the most northern and “upstream” "This last undertaking challenged me the most – physically and mentally – and had the most complex planning logistics of the three journeys," Niewenhuis said. Niewenhuis will have a full book tour this year. Her schedule is in the sidebar of her blog and on her website. She will give readings and do signings of her book, and will also lecture at libraries, museums, universities, private clubs, and other venues with photos and videos and maps from her adventures. "In my lecture, I explore how these vast inland seas were formed, the fascinating geology of the area, and the hydrology -- how the Great Lakes work as a connected system to move water to the North Atlantic Ocean," Niewenhuis said. "And I'll take my audience to many of the islands I explored for this book." Venues where Niewenhuis has spoken in the past are quick to re-book her and to praise her as one of the best speakers they've heard: Martha Bolyard, former Assoicate Director of Philanthropy at The Nature Conservancy of Indiana says: "Loreen translates her passion for our Great Lakes into advocacy, education, science, humor and beauty by taking listeners and readers with her on these GREAT adventures. Her September 2014 five-city speaking blitz awed and inspired Indiana conservationists with the importance of preserving and protecting the Great Lakes. Loreen's adventures are truly amazing!" Colleen Leddy, Head Librarian of the Stair Public Library said: "Loreen is a great speaker: funny, informative, approachable, and so interesting...she even makes geology fascinating! Niewenhuis has been constantly drawn to the shores of the Great Lakes and was the perfect person to undertake these adventures and to write about the journey with a clear, authoritative -- and often humorous -- voice. The independent bookstore participating in the pre-release of the book are listed HERE with active links to the stores' websites. They are also listed below along with Niewenhuis's appearances at these stores: Literati Bookstore, Ann Arbor, MI May 5 (Tuesday) Great Lakes Islands presentation, 7pm Kazoo Books, Kalamazoo, MI May 12 (Tuesday), Portage District Library (Kazoo Books will sell books), 6:30pm Battle Creek Books, Battle Creek, MI May 15 (Friday) Spring into the Arts, 5-9pm, short readings at the top and bottom of each hour & May 16 (Saturday) Lecture, 2pm Forever Books, St. Joseph, MI May 19 (Tuesday) "Top 20 and an Author" Event, 7pm Black River Books, South Haven, MI May 23 (Saturday), 1-3pm, open house reading/signing/ Brilliant Books, Traverse City, MI May 29 (Friday), Reading, 7pm Saturn Booksellers, Gaylord, MI May 30 (Saturday), Book Signing, 11:30-1:30pm Leelanau Books, Leland, MI June 2 (Tuesday), Book Signing, 4:30-6pm (after 3pm lecture at library) Great Lakes Book & Supply, Big Rapids, MI June 30 (Tuesday), Reading 2pm McLean & Eakin Booksellers, Petoskey, MI July 25 (Saturday), Book Signing, 11-1pm Dog Ear Books, Northport, MI July 28 (Tuesday), Book Signing, 3-5pm (before 7:30pm lecture at library) Horizon Books, Traverse City, MI July 31 (Friday), Book Signing, 2-4pm Reader's World, Holland, MI Michigan News Agency, Kalamazoo, MI The Cottage Book Shop, Glen Arbor, MI A 1000-Mile Great Lakes Island Adventure will offer inspiration to anyone interested in the islands of the Great Lakes, environmental issues (from invasive species to water quality to local tourism), and to anyone interested in what it means to take an adventure and look closely at oneself and one’s place. "I encourage readers to support their local indie bookstore," Niewenhuis said, and she refers readers to to find the store near them. Contact Loreen Niewenhuis *** Photos: End
Page Updated Last on: Apr 13, 2015