Upscale Your Stay In Miami Beach For The WeekendThere is a sense of luxury when you wake up in the morning. Simply throwing on a pair of shorts, a tank top, and some flip-flops is all you need to do to get ready for your day.
By: Miami Privacy Condo The Campaign Click Here The condo overlooks the beautiful Miami Beach and for $200 you can stay in it for a weekend with a friend that includes airport pick up and champagne. There are cheaper contribution perks but that is to give you the idea of how much cheaper it would be to contribute to this project than to rent a beachfront hotel for a week. If this works out I can really see it start a revolution in how people use crowd funding to create a better life for themselves and their friends. Next time someone will purchase a Parisian loft or a flat in the heart of Rome. Think of the possibilities if we all work together and contribute towards these types of things. We will be able to share in the lifestyle that the Kim Kardashians and Beyonce's of the world are able to live without having to actually have their schedule or headaches. I think this idea is visionary and hopefully will not only spark people to contribute to my project but to also create their own. Imagine being able to stay at the Fontainebleau Miami Beach or the Hilton Bentley for a week. Who doesn't want that? I know I do. Whenever I can, I stay at five star hotels because the experience is better. So here's our chance to live like the ballers we were born to be. Contribute to my project and you could be staying a week in the same condo as Kanye or Rihanna. Who knows you may catch Katy Perry between her stints of John Mayer and be the man of her dreams? Or be that lady who turns Drake's eye—it could happen. So let's do this! Let's be those people who spark a revolution (and drink some champagne while overlooking the beach). More information Click Here! End