![]() Tai Chi Can Increase Brain Size, Boost Immune Function, Treat Heart Disease, and Much MoreThis Saturday, April 25th, is World Tai Chi & Qigong Day 2015, involving 100s of spectacularly visual mass Tai Chi and Qigong participatory exhibitions and teach-ins, spanning 80 nations. All are free and open to the public, part of a worldwide effort to cut social and healthcare costs by trillions worldwide, and this figure is not hyperbole. When you look at the research data you begin to wonder why in the world Tai Chi and Qigong are not being taught on a massive scale through public education
"The public really needs to know about the mounting research on Tai Chi and Qigong, it could really save people alot of money and suffering," says World Tai Chi & Qigong Day founder, Bill Douglas Everyone is welcome to participate in these events around the world and can search their surrounding local cities in a free Events and Listings directory that is free to Tai Chi and Qigong teachers and schools worldwide to list in, at www.WorldTaiChiDay.org. Harvard Health publications said that Tai Chi should no longer be called "moving meditation" and rather "moving medication" for all the myriad health challenges it can help or even treat. The Harvard Medical School Guide to Tai Chi provides a great deal of the emerging research that supports this concept, and in fact Harvard Medical researchers once commemorated the work of World Tai Chi & Qigong Day by holding a series of lectures on Tai Chi for health research. VIDEO: Tai Chi as Medicine Lecture Series Commemorating World Tai Chi & Qigong Day https://www.youtube.com/ World Tai Chi & Qigong Day founder, Bill Douglas, has taught Tai Chi Meditation through most of the major hospitals throughout the state of Kansas, and many of his students, including some dealing with chronic pain, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, fibromyalgia, MS, Parkinson's, etc. have found great benefit from these ancient Traditional Chinese Medical practices known as Tai Chi and Qigong (pronounced chee gung). VIDEO: Local PBS affiliate KCPT features interviews with Bill's students in his University of Kansas Hospital Turning Point Center for Hope and Healing classes who have seen amazing benefits from Tai Chi Meditation: https://www.youtube.com/ World Tai Chi & Qigong Day's (WTCQD) official website offers a free Tai Chi Medical Research Library offering links to medical research articles showing how Tai Chi and/or Qigong can help nearly 100 of the most common health challenges--all a free public service of World Tai Chi & Qigong Day founders. Tai Chi Medical Research Library: http://www.worldtaichiday.org/ A SMALL SAMPLING OF TAI CHI MEDICAL RESEARCH: * Tai Chi increases brain size, improves cognitive function, and reduced at risk populations from progressing to dementia * Tai Chi heals DNA, enhancing longevity in practitioners * Tai Chi treats heart disease * Tai Chi treats all types of arthritis and fibromyalgia More research on Tai Chi for type 2 diabetes, ADHD in teenagers, addiction rehabilitation, bone loss, Parkinson's, MS, and much more can be seen at the above Tai Chi Medical Research link. Mounting research points to stress as a major factor in most illness, and Tai Chi and Qigong go right to the core of relieving stress. WTCQD Founders offer free samplings of Tai Chi and also deep Sitting Qigong Meditation that are used by people worldwide, another free service of WTCQD's WorldTaiChiDay.org organizing website. VIDEO: Free Sitting Qigong Meditation https://www.youtube.com/ World Tai Chi & Qigong Day Founders spent nearly 40 years studying and teaching Tai Chi and Qigong all over the world, in hospitals, prisons, schools, senior care, special education, drug rehabilitation, etc. They saw profound social benefit in fully utilizing Tai Chi and Qigong Meditation teachers worldwide. For example, when WTCQD Founder, Bill Douglas, did a Tai Chi Meditation presentation at Folsom Maximum Security Prison in California, he learned that the Tai Chi Qigong Meditation program there, known as Tai Chi Chih, had turned the normally high recidivism rate (return to prison rates), dropping them from about 7 in 10 returning to prison, to only 3 in 10 returning to prison in the Tai Chi / Qigong Folsom group. Imagine the cost savings to the American and other tax payers globally if Tai Chi and Qigong Meditation programs were fostered worldwide. Huge cuts in police, court and prison spending could help balance budgets and spur economies worldwide, and when coupled with the healthcare cost savings if these mind-body tools were taught in public schools, you could see an economic renaissance. World Tai Chi & Qigong Day founders, Kansas born Bill Douglas, and Hong Kong born Angela Wong-Douglas promoted this idea of expanding Tai Chi and Qigong mind-body meditative practices into education, penal rehab., etc., telling their personal success stories, in their book "The Complete Idiot's Guide to T'ai Chi & Qigong" (BantamPenguin 4th edition), which actually would become a driving force in the creation of the global event, as their book had a chapter envisioning a World Day to educate the public about Tai Chi and Qigong, and their book was eventually published in several languages. Then, through their global World Tai Chi & Qigong Day efforts, WTCQD's founders created how-to guides to help teachers, educators, healthcare professionals, and penal rehab. professionals worldwide replicate their work. World Tai Chi & Qigong Day's website on integrating Tai Chi and Qigong into Penal Rehabilitation became a source for the National Institute of Corrections' US Bureau of Prison's site for penal rehabilitation professionals. and WTCQD founders have personally donated books and DVDs to prison programs, and inspired teachers from Kansas to Australia to launch Tai Chi Prison programs. WorldTaiChiDay.org Cited by National Institute of Corrections as Resource: http://worldtaichiday.com/ THE SPECTACULAR VISUAL BEAUTY OF WORLD TAI CHI & QIGONG DAY CAN ONLY BE FULLY APPRECIATED IN THE VIDEOS FROM WTCQD EVENTS WORLDWIDE. VIDEO ARCHIVE OF PAST WTCQD EVENTS: BBC TV "World Tai Chi Day Fills Streets and Squares in Latin America: https://www.youtube.com/ Tehran, Iran's World Tai Chi & Qigong Day Event: https://www.youtube.com/ Cairo, Egypt's National News Coverage of World Tai Chi & Qigong Day - EGYPT https://www.youtube.com/ Int'l TV News from Taiwan Covers Jerusalem, Israel's World Tai Chi & Qigong Day Event https://www.youtube.com/ San Juan, Puerto Rico's MASS World Tai Chi & Qigong Day Event https://www.youtube.com/ Tbilisi, Georgia (Asia)'s National TV News Covers Tbilisi's World Tai Chi & Qigong Day Event https://www.youtube.com/ Niteroi, Brazil's World Tai Chi & Qigong Day event https://www.youtube.com/ New York City's Central Park and Harlem, New York Hold Simultaneous World Tai Chi & Qigong Day Events https://www.youtube.com/ Indonesia's MASS World Tai Chi & Qigong Day Event: https://www.youtube.com/ Porto, Portugal's MASS World Tai Chi & Qigong Day Event: https://www.youtube.com/ Hong Kong's World Qigong Day https://www.youtube.com/ Tunisia, North Africa's World Tai Chi & Qigong Day https://www.youtube.com/ Auckland, New Zealand's World Tai Chi & Qigong Day https://www.youtube.com/ Belgium's Central Train Station Experiences World Tai Chi & Qigong Day Flashmob - They STOP THE RAT RACE ... BEAUTIFUL ... https://www.youtube.com/ Agence France Presse Television Covers Havana, Cuba's MASS World Tai Chi & Qigong Day Event https://www.youtube.com/ GOVERNMENTS WORLDWIDE HAVE OFFICIALLY RECOGNIZED AND CO-SPONSORED WORLD TAI CHI & QIGONG DAY EVENTS: 22 US governors, senates of Puerto Rico, California, New York, National Congress of Brazil, and mayors, ministries, sports and recreation ministries, etc. have actively supported this mass global health education effort. VIDEO: Government Bodies Worldwide Proclaim WTCQD https://www.youtube.com/ To learn more about this global event happening, this Saturday, April 25th, 2015 (always the last Saturday of April each year, see Chase Calendar of Events) visit the official website: www.WorldTaiChiDay.org or www.WorldQigongDay.org Contact Bill Douglas ***@worldtaichiday.org Photos: https://www.prlog.org/ https://www.prlog.org/ https://www.prlog.org/ End
Page Updated Last on: Apr 22, 2015