Civilian Resume Writing Workbook Now Available

Resume Writing for defense contracting and private sector jobs.
WASHINGTON - April 25, 2015 - PRLog -- This workbook gives you a step-by-step (Objective-by-Objective) method in which to write your own private sector or defense contractor résumé. This workbook will help all transitioning military personnel, federal government employees, defense contractors and other Department of Defense personnel in their search for private sector and defense contracting employment. This workbook uses an easily identifiable analogy between military doctrine and résumé writing. The scenario used is one that will translate vacancy announcement analysis to that of the military's Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield (IPB). This workbook encourages you to leverage the military doctrine used when deploying to combat zones to that of transitioning to the civilian workforce. The workbook analogy identifies the Hiring Manager as the Enemy and the vacancy announcement as the battlefield. In order to win the war, you must successfully accomplish each objective on the battlefield (vacancy announcement) in order to target the Enemy accurately. The idea in preparing the 4-Battlefield Phases to a Targeted Civilian Résumé workbook was to design a workbook that provided veterans a step-by-step résumé development methodology using military doctrine. Ironically, most manuals are hundreds of pages long but of little use to the novice résumé writer. Such manuals become too lengthy to read and only lead to confusion. In this workbook, 4-Battlefield Phases to a Targeted Civilian Résumé, the primary mission was to design a workbook that everyone could read and understand, while training you to enhance your own experiences in résumé development. There are no secrets to résumé writing. However, there are specific principles to which you must adhere in order to secure an interview and ultimately a job. This workbook should be read from front to back. This method of reading is encouraged in order to obtain the true context from which the principles of targeted résumés are presented. As you progress through the workbook the associations with military terminology, lexicon and methodology is critical and, therefore, require a thorough understanding. The only way to reach this pinnacle of understanding is to read this workbook sequentially, ensuring you completely understand the principles by which competitive private sector and defense contractor résumés are built. Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield is what the military uses to prepare for battle. The Army explains it in detail within Field Manual 34-130 and describes Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield as “the systematic, continuous process of analyzing the threat and environment in a specific geographic area." For those readers who are not familiar with military terminology or methodology, please do not worry. Although the term Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield and other military acronyms are used throughout this manual, great effort and special thought has been taken in describing each as thoroughly as possible. As a matter of fact, after reading this workbook, it is quite possible that you will better understand military methods and terms as it relates to a real battlefield, while associating these activities to a résumé and vacancy announcement. The workbook details the procedures to follow in preparing Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield for private sector and defense contractor related positions, using battlefield illustrations and descriptions while applying the Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield process to various types of vacancy announcements. This workbook is intended to serve as a guide for the use of Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield by military and/or defense department transitioning professionals, defense contractors and federal government employees.

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