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Follow on Google News | Dr. Bizness Profit and Growth Hour WGIV Radio Scam Alert 2015Dr. Bizness and WGIV radio seem to be using a lot of inflated advertising that does not hold air to recruit hardworking unsuspecting Charlotte small business owners and people that are desperately seeking employment.
By: NC Consumer News Dr. Bizness and WGIV radio are not even registered with the Better Business Bureau in Charlotte, NC and they still have an outstanding Better Business Bureau complaint that they have yet to respond that was filed 6/16/2014. Dr. Bizness and WGIV radio claim to reach a worldwide listening audience of over 40 million through his websites in hid Linked In profile, (,, We would like to know how Dr. Bizness feels that over 40 million people are listening to WGIV when they don’t even have a consistent music format, and unless you’re Howard Stern, Tom Joyner, or Rush Limbaugh, nobody is really listening to you on Talk Radio, but just incase you doubt our word, here is a link to the Top 25 Radio Hosts for 2015 (click link: Do you see Dr. Bizness or WGIV radio in these rankings??? No you don’t, and we didn’t either, so you may want to contact Dr. Bizness on Linked In ( Dr. Bizness and WGIV radio seem to be using a lot of inflated advertising that does not hold air to recruit hardworking unsuspecting Charlotte small business owners and people that are desperately seeking employment for his bartering contract program and deceptive $5,000 monthly salary No Experience Job Ad. Now lets do the math, if you Dr. Bizness and WGIV radio have 40 million listeners, why is it that DR. Bizness and WGIV radio only have 48 followers on Google Plus see link below: ( We at North Carolina Consumer News feel that Dr. Bizness and WGIV radio are using very deceptive and fraudulent advertising and we have been asked by some concerned Charlotte, NC Business owners to issue a scam alert to bring Dr. Bizness and the unethical business practices of WGIV radio to the attention of North Carolina business owners and people worldwide that may have been deceived by the advertising of WGIV radio and Dr. Bizness. Here is the actual online complaint below from a person that wants to warn future investors of the deceptive business practices of Dr. Bizness and WGIV radio. Profit and Growth Unlimited WGIV, Dr. Bizness, Ernest Smith WGIV Internet Radio Scam Alert!!! Charlotte North Carolina Are you giving or considering giving Ernest Smith AKA Dr. Bizness, BD money for internet radio? If so, you better ask yourself why? Profit and Growth Unlimited has no affiliation with any of the established broadcasting networks they claim, such as "ABC." They aren't even recognized by the Better Business Bureau. Sometimes they claim to have 2.4 million listeners, sometimes they claim to have 40 million listeners. This is a farce! As you can see, even the Face book page barely has 100 likes, and the "tune in radio app" had 70 "followers" (people who have tuned in on at least one occasion) last time I checked. Did you think WGIV was affiliated with 103.3 FM? Another lie. Why they haven't sued him yet is beyond me. Before you give these people your hard earned money, look at the facts. If you are offered a job with the monthly earning potential $5,000 (commission only, collected by you, based on your ability to scam small businesses and individuals) Please click on links below to read more Dr. Bizness-WGIV radio scam reports. WGIV Radio Scam Report Link: Dr. Bizness Scam Report Link: Dr. Bizness Scam Report Link: DR. Bizness Google Plus followers 48 and 1781 views Click Link Below: WGIV Radio Better Business Bureau Complaint link: If you feel that you have been deceived by Dr. Bizness or WGIV radio and you want to file a formal complaint with the North Carolina Attorney General, please click on the link below to file a formal complaint against Dr. Bizness and/ or WGIV radio. NC Attorney General Web Site: This seems like another sad case in which a so-called minister aka Dr. Bizness is deceiving hardworking people to fill his pockets, is Dr. Bizness really a man of God??? We at North Carolina Consumer News ask that you re-post this blog and share it with friends, family, and your social network community to expose Dr. Bizness and WGIV radio. End