Newport Beach Drug Rehab Expands Efforts to Provide Comprehensive Addiction Treatment

Newport Beach Addiction Treatment Center & Drug Rehab
Newport Beach Addiction Treatment Center & Drug Rehab
NEWPORT BEACH, Calif. - May 8, 2015 - PRLog -- Every drug addiction is different. The way it affects the individual, the substances involved, and the severity of the condition all make it impossible for a one-size-fits-all addiction treatment program to be successful for every person that suffers from this shape-shifting disease. That is why the Newport Beach location of Intervention Drug Rehab Association’s network of providers is dedicated to providing their patients with personalized programs that treat addictions from the inside out.

Upon enrolling at Intervention Drug Rehab Newport Beach, you will receive your individualized addiction treatment program. Created by your personal team of psychiatrists and physicians, this program will use a dual diagnosis method of treatment. This means that both the bodily and psychological elements of your addiction will be addressed and given their own specific treatment procedures.

The first part of your treatment at the Newport Beach location of Intervention Addiction Treatment Center will be detoxification. Your doctors will prescribe stabilizing medications for you to take while your body adjusts to a drug-free life. This method is called medically assisted detoxification.

You will transition into a life of sobriety in the program for addiction recovery offered at Intervention Drug Rehab Center Newport Beach. You will attend one-on-one therapy appointments with your psychiatrist, group counseling meetings with other addiction recovery patients, and 12-step program sessions. You will also learn how to utilize meditative practices in your daily life. The therapists of this drug rehab center offer a variety of therapy methods in order to let you explore what kinds of treatments help your mental addiction symptoms the most.

The relapse prevention program will be the final program you are involved in at the Newport Beach location of Intervention Addiction Treatment Newport Beach. You will get help writing a resume, looking at potential schools, searching for jobs, and practicing interview skills. You will learn how to maintain your physical well-being in nutrition and exercise classes. Positive coping mechanisms are fun ways to spend your free time and get to know other addiction recovery patients. Some of these activities include wakeboarding, kayaking, hiking, reading, watching movies, practicing yoga, and shopping.

Many of the addiction treatments at Intervention Drug Rehab’s Newport Beach location involve interacting with other patients undergoing addiction treatment. This is called social modes of care and it makes sure you have plenty of opportunities to meet and form bonds with your peers. Soon, they will be a part of your sober support network: a group of people that you feel safe and comfortable sharing your sobriety journey with.

While you are a patient of Intervention Addiction Treatment Center Newport Beach, all of your housing, meals, and transportation will be take care of for you. When your detoxification is over, you will live in your own personal accommodations in the sober living community. Personal chefs will cook all of your food for you, and you will enjoy delicious, gourmet meals with your housemates.

Get personalized care for your drug addiction from the network of providers at Intervention Drug Rehab Center Newport Beach location. Call the intake coordinators to register for a dual diagnosis treatment program today.


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