The Clergy, a Pro-life Activist, and a Pro-Choice Activist have a frank transparent conversationRev. Wilson of New Greater Tried Stone Missionary Baptist Church, Rebecca Kiessling, Pro-Life Activist and Attorney and Janice Downs, Pro-Choice Activist sit down with Claudette Miler, host of A Matter of Interpretation for a frank discussion about when life begins, abortion and the rights of the unborn child. Rev. Wilson believes that life begins with purpose, while Rebecca Keissling believes life begins at conception and Janice Downs believes that a baby is formed at 16 weeks.
By: A Matter of Interpretation NEW YORK - May 28, 2015 - PRLog -- Rev. Wilson has been a minister for 46 years and is now serving as pastor of New Greater Tried Stone Missionary Baptist Church. He reveals that his mother was given the choice to choose life when confronted with health issues that would take her life if she gave birth to him. She chose life for him and she also lived. He said she made her choice out of love and not her feeling of right and wrong.
Rebecca Kiessling knew she was adopted but did not know the circumstances of her birth. She was later to find out that her biological father abducted her mother and was a serial rapist. This affected every choice that she made from that point. She felt unworthy of love until she was restored by the word of Jesus Christ. Pro-Choice advocate Janice Downs discusses an earlier abortion and the guilt and depression that she went through. She passionately supports the right of women to make their individual choice as through her walk with Jesus Christ, education and awareness, she has come to understand the pertinence of considering all available choices. Ms. Milner had this to say about the show: "I wanted to bring all the guest to the table. I believe that we can discuss these issues and show all sides of the story. We cannot begin to work together to decrease the number of abortions if we are preaching to the choir. The door must be open and the dialogue must begin if we are to begin the journey together. I invited Deborah Imes, an abortion recovery ambassador to the follow-up show so that women can learn about the recovery and healing of Jesus Christ." A Matter of Interpretation airs live every other Sunday on at 4:00 PM. The shows are also available on demand. End
Page Updated Last on: May 29, 2015