Fitness at 40, 50, 60 and Beyond Is the Top Rated Guide for Successful Weight Loss and Fitness After 40"Fitness at 40, 50, 60 and Beyond" by Michael Spitzer is now available to provide readers a complete guide to losing weight and improving fitness over age 40. In a world filled with false promises of quick and easy miracles for weight loss and better health, this book examines scientific facts and offers a true road map for those looking to improve their fitness as they age.
While 40 may no longer be considered “over the hill” as it was in the past, numerous factors must be considered to keep an aging body functioning in a healthy and more youthful manner. In Fitness at 40, 50, 60 and Beyond, author Michael Spitzer presents a scientifically based program that can transform the body and achieve 30 lbs of fat loss in 16 weeks. Not just the typical diet book, Spitzer explains the effects of aging on the body and offers a program for fat loss, better muscle tone, greater flexibility and more energy. Topics covered include: what to eat; how to exercise; which supplements to take; dealing with joint pain, hormone decline, anxiety, depression, sexual function changes, slowing metabolism, flexibility, lung capacity, bone density, heart health, lower back problems, energy levels and much more. No hype, no wild claims, no false promises. Citing medical studies and recent scientific research on the aging process, this book "tells it like it is." The program described produces impressive body changes in just 4 months. The 432-page book is illustrated with 260 photographs. Diagrams, tables, and charts are used to explain meal plans, recipes, and other principles. Every exercise is clearly described with accompanying photos that demonstrate both proper and improper technique. At the end of each chapter, summaries are provided that can be copied and carried for quick, easy reference. Although written to address the specific issues that concern older individuals, the diet and exercise advice provided is useful for people of all ages. In this regard, the book is being considered by many reviewers as the “definitive book for weight loss and fitness after 40." Mr. Spitzer is available for interviews regarding the book as well as society’s changing attitude about the fitness potential of older individuals. Fitness at 40, 50, 60 and Beyond is available today. The book can be purchased for $17.95 from the book's website:, as well as Amazon, eBay, and most major book retailers. End