CBR Brings Live Bull to Cheyenne Frontier Days for Anti Bullying Message

Story time with Bill the Bull to debut at Cheyenne featuring a live bull in CFD's Old Frontier Town
Bill is No Bully Brings Anti Bullying Campaign to Cheyenne Frontier Days
Bill is No Bully Brings Anti Bullying Campaign to Cheyenne Frontier Days
July 13, 2015 - PRLog -- Bill wants to be a bucking bull. There’s only one problem, he’s nice to everyone. The other bucking bulls make fun of Bill and insist he would be no good as bucking stock unless he were mean; bullies like them.

So begins the children’s book, Bill is No Bully that will be featured, alongside the real life bovine inspiration, Bill, in Cheyenne Frontier Days Old Frontier Town on July 17 – 21st.

It’s a story that will appeal to rodeo fans and beyond, written by Cindy Hedeman and presented by a Roach Hedeman in a larger-than-life story book anti-bullying campaign brought to Cheyenne by Championship Bull Riding’s CEO, Benny Cude.

The real-life Bill is a 6-year-old Charolaise raised and owned by a friend of the Hedeman family, Alexis Bradford. Hedeman is able to take Bill on the road to spread the message of the book.

“We read the book, and the illustrations flash on the screen, and we talk about bullying and what Bill does to confront the bullies in the book and what we can do in real life to confront bullies,” Roach Hedeman explained and added, “then after it’s all said and done they get to go by and see a real live bull that weighs 1720 pounds.”

The presentations are in their first season beginning 2015. At only two months into it in April, Hedeman guessed they’d already seen 14-15 schools, and over 8,200 students in four states.

“Bullying is such a big problem these days, the only way we’re going to have an effect on it is if we start young,” Hedeman said. Their target ages are kindergarten through fifth grade. “The kids love it and get to see that a real live bull doesn’t have to be mean, so it’s pretty cool.”

Like his character in the book, Bill is definitely not mean. “Bill is a fun loving giant. He loves attention. He loves to be petted on. You can just scratch him under his chin, and he’ll put his head right down on you.”

Bill translates that good nature when the kids come to pet him too. One instance in particular stands out to Hedeman. “We had a blind girl who couldn’t see who got to feel all over [Bill], pet him, touch his horns, touch his nose, and that was pretty cool to see her experience that,” he said.

One teacher can attest to that positive feedback. Amy Sanders, wife of CBR Stock Contractor Clark Sanders, is a science teacher in Sedan, Kansas. Clark Sanders Bucking Bulls sponsored Bill the Bull to come to Sedan Elementary, as well as surrounding schools.

“I think it’s a really large problem, and anytime that you can talk about it, it just makes it easier for kids to come forward and to deal with those kinds of issues,” Amy Sanders said of bullying.“Bill is No Bully is a great tool to communicate with kids while at the same time increasing awareness about bullying in schools,” said Hedeman.

Gary “Roach” Hedeman is among the rare group of cowboys who has been a participant in all facets of the rodeo industry. In addition to raising the 2006 World Champion bucking bull Biloxi Blues, some of Hedeman’s proudest accomplishments are being asked to fight bulls at the 1989 Texas Circuit Finals, 1996 National Finals Rodeo and the 1996, 1997, 1998, & 1999 Professional Bull Riders World Finals. He is the elder brother of 4 time World Champion bull rider  and CBR Ambassador, Tuff Hedeman.

Bill we be available from 10:30 am to 1 pm daily from Friday, July 17 – Tuesday July 21 in the Old Frontier Town section of Cheyenne Frontier Days.

Leigh Ann Schroeder
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