July 31, 2015 -
PRLog -- We believe this is the case as the two "heart" symbols are so strikingly similar, the shape on Pluto resembles the shape of the symbol on the cover of the E.P. album entitled, B.L.A.C.C. Heart - Pain Of Ordeals, releasing September 15, 2015 on CD, MP3 & Limited Edition Vinyl Record that deals with themes of the pain and the struggle of the streets. The artwork for the album B.L.A.C.C. Heart - Pain Of Ordeals was released as early as 2013, and the pictures from NASA's New Horizon space mission to Pluto were released in July, 2015, so the artists could not have known what Pluto looked like when producing the artwork for B.L.A.C.C. Heart - Pain Of Ordeals, which in itself is designed in the shape of an inverted B.L.A.C.C. Heart symbol. But It was always known to us that B.L.A.C.C. Heart, as a group, radiated a sort of divine presence, delivering supremely sophisticated vocals over exotic & esoteric beats, this combination of hypnotic sounds and piercing vocals has led the B.L.A.C.C Heart Limited Edition products to be well sough-after through-out the world of rare underground Hip-Hop music collectors. But the level of scienticifcal madness going into the crafting of the B.L.A.C.C Heart sound was just not known to us, nor could it have been, without such a giant eye-opening galactic nudge from the universe, thanks Pluto, you just reassured us to something we had known all along, that B.L.A.C.C. Heart is the shizzle!
It 's clear that B.L.A.C.C. Heart music strikes a chord at being well, bluntly honest, and in doing so has ascended to a level of being somewhat spiritual, but because we hear so much popular music on the radio, sometimes we might subcontiously gravitate towards those sounds, but after these new galactic revelations, we think its clear who we should be listeng out for...that is, for those of us who aspire towards a promising future and a brighter tomorrow.
B.L.A.C.C. Heart - Pain Of Ordeals - Releasing September 15, 2015