Empowering New "BodyMind" Book: Krav Maga and One Woman's Quest for FreedomReview Copies Now Available of Lauri Mattenson's New Release Titled "Backbone: A BodyMind Breakthrough"
By: Wise Media Group Please visit http://www.epubreview.com/ “Sometimes you take a journey in life you never expect to take. Read this book, and you might be inspired to take a chance and do something you never thought you could do.” -Darren R. Levine, Chief Instructor, Krav Maga Worldwide, Inc. About the Author As a Lecturer with UCLA Writing Programs, Lauri Mattenson has been teaching writing to undergraduates and training graduate instructors for twenty years. Her website, www.LauriMattenson.com, offers motivational articles for teachers and students as well as personal essays inspired by the main theme of "Trusting the Body to Teach the Mind." Her work draws not only from her academic life, but also her yoga practice (she completed the YogaWorks Teacher Training with founder of YogaWorks Maty Ezraty and Teacher Training originator Lisa Walford). Other chief influences include a year of full-time text study at the Pardes Institute in Jerusalem, a certification in massage therapy from IPSB, and four years as a volunteer Crisis Counselor with the Suicide Prevention Center. During the summer, she represents the UCLA faculty in a series of welcome speeches for each of the incoming freshmen Orientation groups totaling over 6,000 students. Previous publications have appeared in The Chronicle of Higher Education, The Mother Company, Turning Wheel: The Journal of Socially Engaged Buddhism, Massage Magazine, Bruinlink, The Jewish Journal and The Daily Bruin. tags: Empowerment, Self Defense, Inspirational, Resilience, Fighting Spirit, Mental Health, Changing Habits, Freedom End