![]() Deep Strategy: London Workshop on How to Define and Communicate Your Business StrategyOne-day leadership workshop covers telling the story of your business through a strategic narrative
By: BMGI Articulating strategy in a written narrative form is incredibly powerful. As a communication tool for everyone from your employees to your board, the written narrative sends a message of thoroughness and professionalism. More importantly, the process of writing it ensures business leaders are truly accountable for answering all of the questions necessary to have a comprehensive and effective strategy. BMGI is hosting a workshop on the 26th January 2016 in London that will demonstrate how to develop and use a strategic narrative to create a solid foundation for your business strategy. Designed for corporate leaders, business unit or regional leaders, or heads of business strategy, the workshop will help participants to challenge their strategy and how it is understood by the rest of the business. After attending a US-based session of this workshop, Josh Tabin, co-founder and president of Wild Zora Foods, said “Wow! We thought we had a business strategy, but all we really had was a business. Now we have a strategy that makes sense and that will guide us for many years to come.” Led by David Silverstein, CEO and Founder of BMGI, a global thought leader, author and business strategist, anyone who is responsible for their organization’ Workshop: Deep Strategy – Telling The Story of Your Business Price: £899 for full day Date: 26th January, 2016 Location: London, UK More Information: Contact Megan James, Managing Director Europe, BMGI info.eu@bmgi.com +44 (0) 8703 892 221 Photos: https://www.prlog.org/ https://www.prlog.org/ End