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Follow on Google News | Imperato (I)016 inde const America greater KfC not Cornel HC SANDERS “RUBIO"Scholars have it right at HILLSDALE college. Imperato says, America is THE GREATEST AND MUST GET GREATER. America has only one basic problem, all the rest are secondary
By: imperato assc Imperato calls on all Americans to CRUZ through the teaching of the United States Constitution, before you vote. Know your legal system. Please America, the youth and our nation must know and understand our rights, or we will loose all of our foundation and our American heritage that protects our freedoms and liberties. The Constitution is the only answer, protect it, uphold it, and America will stand tall and be greater, and stronger then ever. The catholic classical KASICH’S experience and faith setting the political case and resting it on The Biblical principles of faith and GODS WILL is as sound a principle as The Constitution is to our nation. Know your branches of government and their obligations to US. Vote The Bible Constitution and set aside all other matters, because nothing else maters in this time in our history. Whether progressives or conservatives lead our nation, The Constitution and Biblical foundation of Our Founder Fathers must not change, no way, no how. Our problems stem from tyranny and treason, and not other bells, whistles and mirrors. The foundation shell and nucleus of our county is at risk. This TRUMPS all other and when it comes to material things! It Trumps RUBIO’S red glittering shinny stones thrown with pearly white teeth biting TRUMPS small hands and blood from her eyes or were ever. Great businessman can only make a great President if they defend and uphold The Constitution .The constitution is not flexible. Our country and our people must read The Constitution and The Bible to understand. The Constitution is the only answer. We must uphold it and demand the Judicial system of Law to stop making Laws by ways of unconstitutional case Law and false hoods. They must be held accountable, as well as our politicians and other government representatives, and brethren, whom are out of order in The Church and in The Constitution. This is urgent, fatal and serious as a heart attack. Please, great America and the great American people, look at what the word CONSTITUTION means in Webster’s and read it before you vote. It’s a matter of life, liberty and prosperity or the ultimate judgment from hell upon our nation for not treating The Biblical Constitution as sacred and securing its promise by teaching our children, and adhering the Supreme Laws of this Land THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION. ROMNEY flew in to Palm Beach on Jan. 12th 2012 to fund raise with TRUMP and the political GOP. “Rubio was to be VP so he did me with political mafia contributions form the clan .” Rubios backers the Lincolns and Mascanosa families should be ashamed whom paid his bills .“SCHOOL LOANS” stop backing him he is a liar says the JUDGE PALERMO. A false suit was filed against me in Federal Court (calling me CON -MAN)endorsed by RUBIO. My fundamental Constitution rights to be heard in Court with a Trial by Jury of Peers was denied. My rights (yours) taken away by the tyranny of the Federal Judicial appointed Judges, in this case Judge RYSKAMP constitutional violator of judiciary acts 1789 ,and a non consented magistrate HOPKINS, whom conspired with the SEC took away my fundamental constitutional rights and denaturalized me. Judge PALERMO Miami said “RUBIO IS A LIAR” Mr IMPERATO settled this case because they wont stop until they destroy you. I am still fighting in Court since, just to get a day in Court after multi-million dollar (REPUGNANT) judgments ordered against me, when I have never been in Court. This is no Ripley’s, believe it or not, this is REAL AS A HEART ATTACK and happening every day around our great nation.(cases are still active in fed civ.) Pray for righteousness and my name restored as a constitutionalist and honorable law abiding public servant and friar. (NOT A CON- MAN) We must stop MIT at all costs based on righteousness in defense of our Constitution and our constitutional rights. Not personal preference or vendettas, and or, bribes and favors. Cloak and dagger cases. Jefferson was right, the federalist papers tell al. Please read them. I CHALLENGE THE MEDIA FOR INTERVIEW .GET THE FACTS . Please join me in this fight. Independent constitutional conservitive Dr Fr. Daniel Imperato K. M. S. S. P. GM+OB Tel. 561 805 9494 End
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