Illinois Cannabis Patients Report Pain Relief, Improved MoodRevolution Cannabis Analytics Announces Results from First-of-its-Kind Statewide Study
By: Revolution Cannabis Analytics "These results are consistent with other states' findings where doctors can recommend medical cannabis for pain," said Revolution Enterprises CEO Tim McGraw. "States that allow for this type of treatment have about a 25 percent lower rate of opioid overdose deaths on average." The Medical Cannabis Patient Survey was a first-of-its- Revolution Cannabis Analytics partnered with four state-registered dispensaries to administer the surveys. The study included 104 patients who submitted 290 individual cannabis strain surveys from Dec. 7, 2015, through Jan. 8, 2016. Participating dispensaries were: • The Clinic Mundelein, in Mundelein, Ill.; • EarthMed, in Addison, Ill.; • Salveo Health & Wellness, in Canton, Ill.; and • Herbal Remedies, in Quincy, Ill. "These types of studies allow us to better understand how medical cannabis---specifically certain cannabinoid profiles---can help treat various conditions," Study results also show there is a statistically significant positive correlation between levels of cannabidiol (CBD), a compound in cannabis, and improvement in mood. In addition, 84.4 percent of responses indicate the patient would recommend the strain they used to treat their specific medical condition. The most common reported condition was spinal cord disease/injury, comprising more than 30 percent of respondents' conditions; 24 percent of patients reported using medical cannabis for the treatment of fibromyalgia. The survey also collected basic patient demographics. Among those who participated, 61.5 percent were male and 36.5 percent were female. Eighty-four percent of respondents were between the ages of 25 and 64. About Revolution Enterprises Revolution Enterprises is a management services company driven to become the largest, most professional producer of medical cannabis worldwide. The company manages cultivation, processing, dispensing, and ancillary products and services in the United States and international states where medical cannabis is licensed and regulated. About Revolution Cannabis Analytics Revolution Cannabis Analytics, a division of Revolution Enterprises, is committed to helping the Company facilitate the production of more precise cannabinoid medicines through scientific study and research. Media Contact Victoria Mendicino VP Community Outreach O: 312-881-4296 E: Photos: End
Page Updated Last on: May 11, 2018