Apple Vs FBI: It's A Mathematical, Not A Legal Matter ... Professor Chris Imafidon (#ApplevsFBI)A renowned Consultant to Governments, Presidents and Monarchs, Professor Chris Imafidon, has reiterated that the FBI didn't need Apple's co-operation to unlock the iPhone or any other electronic device. He offered new phone security tips #AppleVsFBI
By: His tips include: Switching off the Bluetooth functionality; The world renowned Consultant to governments, presidents, Monarchs, and corporate leaders, Professor Chris Imafidon concluded that government agencies or the FBI or any other organisations do not need Apple's or any technology company's help or cooperation to safely hack into an iPhone, any smart phone or any other electronic device. Technology is too important to be left to technologists or governments, that is why the internet remains an open network without any central control. #AppleVsFBI. Professor Imafidon, a Multi-award winning pioneer who has published journal papers on computer security, indicated that he has just completed an upcoming book. To view more messages on how to secure your iPhones, smartphones and other devices, follow @ChrisImafidon. LIVE tweets at @ChrisImafidon, later other clips of the programme at @Eieprogramme Contact Hannah Rivers *** Photos: End
Page Updated Last on: Apr 04, 2016