![]() Martin Brossman Helps the Small Business Center Network Dive Deep Into Social MarketingA deeper application of marketing with social media and LinkedIn was presented to North Carolina Small Business Center Directors at their Spring PD conference by key speaker Martin Brossman.
The gathering of more than 50 North Carolina SBC Directors featured guest speakers, including social media marketing consultant Martin Brossman, who presented two targeted sessions on the advanced application of social marketing platforms and LinkedIn. Brossman commented: "Our goal was to explore new ways of using social marketing with exercises that would enhance the brand awareness of the entire SBCN system. We informed the SBC Directors about strategic use of social marketing to build greater awareness of the value of SBCN services to the businesses in their communities, identifying the unique needs of each of the stakeholders they are marketing to and implementing actions that work within the resources they have." His presentation, "Marketing Your Small Business Center Using Social Media," taught the Directors how to apply social media to attract clients and participants to their seminars as well as how to promote the image and performance of their SBC to key people. Topics included: understanding the "buyer's journey" from the perspective of the business owners seeking help, identifying the small business owners that can best be served by the SBCN and how to attract them through personal development, developing unique ways to promote the SBCN that will generate more positive press to key decision makers, and using free online resources when funds are limited. The second presentation, "Using LinkedIn for the SBC Director," included how LinkedIn can be leveraged to: find resources, expand awareness of the SBCN and its programs, market an individual center, and build global contacts. Martin Brossman has offered comprehensive training on all aspects of web marketing at Small Business Centers across North Carolina for the past 10 years and is an enthusiastic advocate for the value of the community College system's SBCN which assisted in starting 771 small businesses in 2014-2015, and helped create and retain 3,673 jobs in that same period. Brossman's passion is helping small and micro businesses, associations and other organizations work smarter, utilize the resources of the internet, and integrate their online marketing efforts with traditional marketing. For more information on Martin Brossman, including how to schedule him to speak at your event, visit NCSmallBusinessTraining.com or martinbrossmanandassociates.com. He also coaches one-on-one and with small groups. Learn more about the Small Business Center Network of North Carolina (SBCN) at https://www.ncsbc.net/ Contact: Martin Brossman (919) 847-4757 Media Contact Colleen Gray, Martin's assistant ***@martinbrossman.com (919) 874-4757 Photos: https://www.prlog.org/ https://www.prlog.org/ https://www.prlog.org/ End
Page Updated Last on: May 14, 2016