New Bible Study by David Rhodes Shares the Word of God in Responsive Readings'Responsive Readings for the Modern Church' explores relationships among Bible scriptures for corporate worship or personal study.
By: The author's inspiration came in church with an opportunity to present scripture readings during worship: "Wanting to move the congregation to verbalize God's Word, I decided to incorporate responsive readings. I found that sources of these were limited, so I began to work on my own arrangements. And so this book was born." The first section of responsive readings draws from various books of the Bible and is organized by keywords like "Faith," "Hope," and "Sacrifice." Rhodes chose the World English Bible and its Messianic Edition for their modern language and because these works are in the public domain. Every verse is meticulously cited, with the ebook enabling readers to navigate easily between the readings and their respective references. Rhodes, a long-serving missionary, has spent many years working to bridge the gap between God and his fellow man. He hopes this book of responsive readings will bring the reader a few steps closer to embracing the holiness within. "For the word of God is living and active, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and is able to discern the thoughts and intentions of the heart." (Hebrews 4:12) 'Responsive Readings for the Modern Church' is published in ebook and paperback by and is now available at popular online retailers, including,, and Apple iBookstore. Author David Rhodes is available for interviews. About the Author David Rhodes is a missionary for SonSet Solutions, having served for seven years as Operations Manager and Projects Coordinator at their facility in Elkhart, Indiana. He previously worked for Kids Alive International at the Lima Children's Home in Lima, Peru. About Since 2010, (based in Sudbury, Massachusetts) End