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Follow on Google News | How to Become an Ethical Police Force and Rebuild Public Trust SustainablyInnovation University of Silicon Valley launches unique program: How Police Forces Can Rebuild Public Trust and Safer Communities Sustainably
By: IUSV What we have learned from Baltimore, Ferguson , Charleston, the Baton Rouge police's high-profile fatal shooting of Sterling, the Philando Castile police shooting, following the death of the five Dallas police officers who were killed against the recent police shootings, is that lack of viable leadership capabilities, lack of personal integrity and self-responsibility, mismanagement, not willing to learn/change, and violation of corporate governance rules can destroy the brand of a police department and its city. This is becoming an epidemic in America. Focusing on police officers wearing body cameras is an ad hoc and non-sustainable approach. It's just an expensive tool to reduce force by police officers only. The fatal encounter in the Eric Garner Chokehold Case and the killing of Walter Scott by Michael Slager, an officer with the North Charleston Police Department, were captured on videos very clearly and seen around the world. The Eric Garner case did not matter but the Walter Scott did. After this case we saw how Baltimore police officers dragged Freddie Gray to a transport wagon without any immediate medical attention, which ended with his slipping into a coma and dying a week later. They all had plenty training. So body cameras and training are just ad hoc, cosmetic and non-sustainable solutions. It's very disappointing and strange that Police Departments are still not willing to learn and to change sustainably after all above mentioned shootings. A sustainable and holistic solution is urgently needed, which means that not only the Police must change, but also most of the African American youth must change! One of the forgotten aspects of Dr. King's legacy is how he demanded personal responsibility of the African American community. Nobody focused on this aspect in the past 50 years, not even Barack Obama, because there was no effective system available in the US till now to develop personal responsibility sustainably. This needed behavior change counts for the whole US society, not only for the African American youth. So focusing on the police, body cameras and training only will not make a difference. In this article we provide a holistic solution to this growing problem, which also includes an effective and proven way to develop personal responsibility of the African American youth so that they can create their own job opportunities, just like thousands of others have done globally in the past ten years based on our proven methodology. We have also applied this innovative system at some police forces abroad and it has proven to be very effective (see below success stories). Why are US Police Forces still not willing to learn from these examples and from their own mistakes? How many innocent people must die first before they take effective actions? Why is President Obama not doing anything to solve this growing problem sustainably? Rebuilding trust & cultural change We need a more sustainable, authentic and holistic approach to this growing epidemic urgently and create a complete rebirth of trust in police officers. Rebuilding trust in the police department starts with rebuilding trust in its police officers. Rebuilding trust in the police officers starts with police officers being authentic and aligned with themselves. This results also in their development of personal responsibility and social responsibility. This process of cultural change counts also for the African American youth. further End
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