Help Me! Self-Help Book Author Interview featured on Psychology Today Website Following 5-Star Industry ReviewInterview with Dr. Richard Joelson, author of Help Me!, now featured on the Psychology Today website after a prestigious 5 Star rating from a publishing industry review.
By: Health Psychology Press The in-depth interview with Dr. Joelson will be featured on the magazine's The Author Speaks, Conversations with Writers You Should Know About for a total of 4 weeks. Celebrating its 50th anniversary next year, Psychology Today has been a leading global authority with its finger on the pulse of psychology, psychiatry and academia surrounding the specialist genres since 1967. "This book is widely accessible and relevant. Many people want to improve their relationships, break unhealthy patterns, and safeguard their relationships, even in crisis. This title will be a great fit for all of those seekers, anyone questing toward self-improvement, and those in the midst of relational crises, though its holistic benefits will be most accessible to those not in the midst of a trauma. Joelson's deep expertise and experience as a therapist give the book a rich value, and it is clear that he enjoys helping people come to healthy realizations … Help Me! equips people to grow as individuals and have thriving relationships." "Plenty of psychology self-help guides provide analysis and case histories, but few offer the specific applications to life that result in clear advice on how to manage or change outcomes … This is just one of the facets that sets Help Me! apart from similar-sounding self-help psychology titles: an attention to taking the examples beyond analysis and into the choices involved in applying insights to different scenarios … The result is highly recommended for any psychology or self-help reader who would better understand how meaningful change becomes a part of revised life goals and psyches." — D. Donovan, Senior Reviewer, Midwest Book Review. Dr. Richard Joelson, D.S.W, an award-winning New York City Psychotherapist, has dedicated over 40 years of service to his profession. He has served as the Director of Admissions and Student Affairs / Assistant Professor of Social Work at New York University and was responsible for Doctoral and Master's students at Hunter College as an Adjunct Assistant Professor and Lecturer. Dr. Joelson remains closely aligned with the New York State Society for Clinical Social Work, NYSSCSW where he was awarded Diplomate status in 2014. About: Help Me! by Dr. Richard B. Joelson, D.S.W., LCSW (PR012056-1 NY), has been on international release since last month. The author is a popular radio show guest who has been featured by the world's leading media organizations. Visit: Media Contact Health Psychology Press Photo: End