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Follow on Google News | Can design thinking help in aligning the self to that of the organization in a quantum world?Column: Human Centric and Customer Centric Design Thinking (4) The Quantum Model: Using Design Thinking in bridging Eastern & Western belief systems (2) By Raja Roy Choudhury, Ph.D. & Hubert Rampersad, Ph.D.
By: Innovation University of Silicon Valley The Quantum Model: Using Design Thinking in bridging Eastern & Western belief systems (2) By Raja Roy Choudhury, Ph.D. & Hubert Rampersad, Ph.D. Following up on our previous article, can design thinking help in aligning the self to that of the organization in a quantum world? Quantum science, indeed all the new sciences, describe a physical world that is holistic, indeterminate or at least un predictable, and self-organizing. Quantum systems are particle-like and wave like at the same time, they have both individual and group properties. They are governed by the uncertainty principle, which thrives on ambiguity, yet when we focus on or measure them we can pin them down precisely. Unlike isolated Newtonian systems, quantum systems are always in and part of each other and their environment: We human beings are physical systems, too and fully part of the physical world. Our bodies, certainly and most likely our minds, obey the same laws as everything else in this universe. At the moment, the best physics we have for describing this universe is quantum physics. "I" ultimately am a quantum system. As such, myself should have the following qualities. 1. The quantum self is both-end. It has both a unique, particle like individual aspect and a shared, relational, wave like group aspect. I am me, my genes, my history and my unique experience, but I am also all those others with whom I live and work and share experience and to whom I relate. 2. The quantum self is authentic, holistic and contextual. The wave like, relational boundaries of the quantum self-extend, in principle, across the universe. My self is interwoven with and defined by everything else that exists. I am in nature and nature is in me. I am a part of all others, and all others are a part of me. My body is made out of star dust, my mind emerges in dialogue with the four forces of the universe and the laws that define them. It may be a further natural force. Even my particle like inner boundaries change, adapt, re-form in dialogue with my environment and my experience. My self is integrated and dynamic, each part, each sub-self or sub personality, affected and affecting every other. I am a whole chorus of conversations in harmony. 3. The quantum self is self-organizing. It is at the edge, poised precariously and yet creatively between order and chaos. The quantum self has no hard limits, no set definable boundaries. It has constraints but is not determined. It has a genetic code, but this always choosing what parts of itself to express. It has a character but it is always been moulded. The quantum itself is always reinventing itself, always getting the brain rewired. "I" am a dynamic pattern, an open, dynamic system, a whirlpool. I have no soul in the sense of some little box inside me or some discrete part of my brain that can be registered on a CAT or PET scan. My soul is a continually self-organizing process, a channel between me and the ground state of reality. All of me and all of my experience has a soulful, sacred dimension which also includes my work experience. 4. The quantum self is free. It is constrained but not determined by any genetic material, by any past experience, by any environmental conditions or conditioning or by any given neural wiring in its brain. The self's boundaries are elastic and in flux, subject to creative uncertainty. 5. The quantum self is responsible. It is in and part of the world with which it interacts. The quantum self- lives in a participatory universe and it actively participates in the unfolding of that universe. It is an active agent of reality, a co-creator. The questions that I ask, the thoughts that I think, the emotions and fantasies that I harbour, the decisions that I make, and the actions I take mould the world and others around me. I am a stone dropped in a pond that sends ripples outward in every direction. 6. The quantum self is spiritual. It is steeped in meaning, vision and value. The quantum self is an excitation of the underlying quantum vacuum, a ripple of the pond that represents the ground state of reality. The quantum vacuum is the soul of the Universe, the mind of God and each quantum self is a thought in the mind of God. further Raja Roy Choudhury, Ph.D. & Hubert Rampersad, Ph.D. Raja Roy Choudhury is professor in Design Thinking & Hon. Director of the Center of Excellence in Design Thinking at Innovation University of Silicon Valley. He is also associated with S P Jain School of Global Management and can be contacted via Hubert Rampersad is President of Innovation University of Silicon Valley.| End
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