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Follow on Google News | Xaverian Missionaries Statement on Events in MilwaukeeReligious Congregation calls for meaningful dialogue to address grievances.
Across the globe in war-torn and strife-ridden areas, Xaverian Missionaries have been involved in peace and reconciliation efforts. We understand that those efforts cannot succeed without goodwill and trust on the part of all concerned. Authentic, productive dialogue can only take place, and long-lasting results can only be achieved, when all participants are valued and respected, and their grievances are meaningfully addressed. We call upon civil authorities, legislators, political and business sectors, religious and academic institutions, and all citizens of Milwaukee to work together and focus collective, coordinated and correlational efforts to build a community based upon dialogue, respect and justice. The Xaverian Missionaries grieve for the lives lost and injuries sustained; lament the destruction and devastation of communities; The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has called for a National Day of Prayer for Peace in Our Communities on September 9th and appointed a task force devoted to peace and unity which is chaired by Archbishop Wilton D. Gregory of Atlanta. Archbishop Joseph Kurtz of Louisville, USCCB president, stressed "the need to look toward additional ways of nurturing an open, honest and civil dialogue on issues of race relations, restorative justice, mental health, economic opportunity, and addressing the question of pervasive gun violence…. By stepping forward to embrace the suffering, through unified, concrete action animated by the love of Christ, we hope to nurture peace and build bridges of communication and mutual aid in our own communities." Fr. Mark Marangone, SX, US Provincial Superior Xaverian Missionaries End
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