Ajax Fiori sponsors experimental Learning center for kids on International Literacy Day

Ajax Fiori has sponsored Learning center with State of the art facility for kids near Bangalore on the occasion of International Literacy Day.
BENGALURU, India - Sept. 8, 2016 - PRLog -- According to ASEAR Report 2014, only 25.3% of children in third grade can do a simple two digit subtraction in India. In Karnataka alone, only 20.1% of fifth grade students in government schools can do simple divisions. Taking stock of problem, Ajax-Fiori Engineering (I) Pvt. Ltd. has sponsored ICT lab for Vivekananda Kannada school, Doddaballapur to enable higher level of learning with special emphasis on exposure and awareness to technology.

The school has nearly 600 students from class 1 to 8th but lacked computer facilities. The sponsored items for ICT lab are 15 smart PCs, 2 TVs and an Invertor with battery. The PCs and TVs are preloaded with Tejas Foundation's animated, voice enabled digital science and math contents to improve the learning outcomes the children. This project has given students an access to experimental learning in the areas of science, math and information technology. We aim to provide many more facilities like this which would not only elevate our literacy standards but help in fetching job opportunities.

Visit www.ajax-fiori.com for more details.

Sandeep Gupta

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