![]() Downtown Commons in Minneapolis Features 22,000 Square Feet of Porous Pave Permeable PavementPermeable Pavement Makes the City's New Downtown Green Space Even Greener
An eco-friendly green building material made in the U.S.A., Porous Pave is a highly porous, durable and flexible pour-in-place paving material. Stormwater drains through its permeable surface at a tested rate of 5,800 - 6,300 gallons of stormwater per hour per square foot for on-site stormwater retention. The XL formulation is made from 50 percent recycled rubber chips and 50 percent chipped granite aggregate with a moisture-cured, liquid binder. XLS is 100 percent recycled rubber chips. "The Commons is the centerpiece of the revitalization and redevelopment of the Downtown East neighborhood," "As is typical for highly urbanized areas, much of downtown Minneapolis is impervious. The Great Lawn, a large oval grass field, is a prominent element of the Commons, designed for deep infiltration of stormwater," Porous Pave was selected for its permeability, usability and versatility, and ease of maintenance," Blackstone Contractors, LLC (Corcoran, Minn.), the installation contractor, poured Porous Pave XL with fine-cut, 1/8-1/4 inch, tan color rubber chips at a depth of two inches atop a two-inch aggregate base for the paved permeable areas. They applied two inches of XLS with special size three-quarter inch rubber chips in the cypress color for the tree surrounds. The controlled shredding and processing of discarded tires produces the chips of recycled rubber incorporated into Porous Pave. The Commons' installation includes rubber recovered from approximately 5,000 scrap tires. "The Downtown Commons in Minneapolis is one of our largest projects to date in the Upper Midwest," said Dave Ouwinga, president, Porous Pave, Inc. "It helped us reach an important environmental milestone. This year we surpassed a total 7.5 million pounds of recycled rubber used in manufacturing our permeable paving material." About Porous Pave Porous Pave, Inc. (Grant, Mich.) manufactures Porous Pave, a highly porous, durable and flexible surfacing material consisting of recycled rubber, aggregate and a liquid binding agent. With up to 6,300 gallons per hour per square foot permeability, Porous Pave is a superior solution for stormwater retention. It is resilient and slip resistant. A pour in place material, Porous Pave conforms to any landscape design and installs on grades up to 30 degrees. Porous Pave is easy to install. Using a standard mortar mixer, mixing time is under a minute. Curing time is only 24 hours. For technical specifications, independent lab test results and distributor locations, visit www.porouspaveinc.com. Keep up with Porous Pave on LinkedIn. Porous Pave at Greenbuild Porous Pave, Inc. will exhibit at Greenbuild, the world's largest international green building conference and expo, on October 5-6, 2016. The Greenbuild conference and expo will be held at the Los Angeles Convention Center, Los Angeles, Calif. Porous Pave will be located at booth #921. Contact David Aquilina Strategic Storyteller ***@strategicstoryteller.com Photos: https://www.prlog.org/ https://www.prlog.org/ https://www.prlog.org/ https://www.prlog.org/ https://www.prlog.org/ End