Garden Produce Staff Go Biometric

Leading nursery and online garden produce retailer Crocus have just installed the very latest Bodet interactive time and attendance system, to provide accurate and reliable staff attendance data and reduce administration for HR and payroll staff.
HEMEL HEMPSTEAD, U.K. - Sept. 28, 2016 - PRLog -- Leading nursery and online garden produce retailer Crocus have just installed the very latest Bodet interactive time and attendance system, to provide accurate and reliable staff attendance data and reduce administration for HR and payroll staff.

Historically, staff clocked in and out using a manual card-based clocking in system. This required the data from the cards to be manually transferred to a spreadsheet for payroll and staff management. Crocus's HR manager, Danola Martin commented, "Depending on the season, we employ between 120 and 180 people, and we need to know how many are on site each day to ensure we are adequately staffed. The manual system was unreliable not only  due to errors in transferring data to the spreadsheets, but because buddy-punching was rife, with some of the employees clocking in for their friends. As a result we were often understaffed and were paying people for time they weren't working."

Crocus approached Bodet, who have been producing time management systems for over 150 years, and asked them to provide an effective solution. They installed 5 of their latest Kelio Visio X7 smart terminals, featuring both a biometric and proximity reader, interfaced with cloud-based Time & Attendance software. Crocus began rolling out the system initially for office staff, and as it was well received, it has now been rolled out for the whole workforce including nursery and warehouse  employees.

When staff start or end their shift, they simply place their finger onto the scanner which captures a fingerprint. This then compares the print against a stored profile to identify the employee, and time stamps the record. For some staff, such as those working in the nursery, dirty fingers or cuts prevented an accurate fingerprint to be obtained. In this situation,  key fobs provide an effective alternative via the proximity reader.

Martin added, "The software generates real time staff attendance data which can be compared with the daily rotas. Managers are then immediately alerted to any discrepancies and can arrange additional cover if required."

Bodet's time and attendance system has an extra benefit as staff can use the terminals to request holidays or time off. The HR Manager can then action requests in real time within the software, which is much easier and more reliable than having to deal with paper requests. Involving staff directly in their own time management also helps in developing employee engagement.

"Now the system is up and running and proved itself, the next step it to integrate it into the payroll system" summarised Martin. "This will then automate the whole process which will eliminate human error and save more time for both HR and payroll staff."


Editors Notes
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More about Bodet Ltd
Bodet Ltd is the British subsidiary of French-based Bodet Group which have been leading the market in time measurement products since the 1860s. The Group have five subsidiaries across Europe exporting to 60 countries and have expanded from clock-making into IT-based time and attendance, access control, school class change systems and sports scoreboards.

The Kelio Visio X7 was developed by Bodet and won a 2015 Red Dot Award for its innovative qualities and design excellence.

The Bodet Group has over 35,000 clients including Fedex, Serco, TalkTalk and the European Parliament as well as state and independent schools and individual public sector institutions such as DVLA and NHS.

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Colin Caldicott
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