AUSTIN, Texas -
Dec. 14, 2016 -
PRLog -- The Spiritcube app a 3D media sharing app that is currently available in iOS and under and soon on Andriod, has developed its 48th Beta 1.1 version on the iphone testing app "TestFlight"
. That app on Itunes is the 1,0 version is live while the testing version is available to company developers. The Beta 1.1 version enables users to Login, post and share on Facebook while maintaining its 3D spinning feature. The feature reflects the uniqueness of a spinning 3D App in a GIF format with cross posting. Another benefit of a facebook login is the speed with which a new user gets into our photo sharing app. With just a couple of clicks, users are in. One key and crucial benefit with this new capability is, the ability to know quite a bit about the app users. No email verification or lengthy forms requesting personal information is necessary, since Facebook already did that for us. We can now obtain relevant masses of user personal profile and personal online searching habits and searching trend information by our app users with little effort or conversion rate impact. It's a huge help and major powerful asset to us as a company in being able to now going forward generate enormous continuous targeted revenue using the "smart advertising engine" program created by Facebook that is now used systemically throughout the internet.