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Follow on Google News | ![]() Pre Approved Bad Credit Car Loans : Strategies To Renew Your Hope Of Getting Pre Approved Auto LoanFirst and foremost, you stand to get a lower interest rate. While you may find financing from a dealer convenient, you may be charged higher interest rate if you do not shop around. Taking advantage of your ignorance, the dealer may increase the rate by 1-2%. If you pre qualify for auto loan bad credit, you already have the best interest rate that you could qualify for, and so cannot be taken advantage of. When you get pre approved bad credit car loans, you are aware of the amount you can get as loan, and therefore, can set a realistic budget for your purchase. To arrive as close as possible to the total expenditure, do remember to add down-payment, sales tax, insurance, and other fees. You will also be realistic about the car that you select once you pre qualify for auto loan bad credit. Selecting a high-end car only to scale down your choice later due to budgetary constraints can be disheartening. So, get pre approved for car loan ( The biggest plus of pre approved bad credit car loans is that the dealers look at you as a cash buyer. So, you have greater negotiating power. Not just the price of the car, you can also negotiate on the interest rates. Many lenders have cheaper alternatives such as captive lenders, which are essentially banks made by car companies for auto loans only. When you get pre approved for car loan, you can easily turn down any add-ons and offers for extended warranty that you don't want in the first place. You can use your pre approved bad credit car loans ( If you have made up your mind to get pre approved car loan bad credit, contact your bank or credit union to get started. You can also explore online options for pre approved bad credit car loans as there are many lenders that offer auto loans for bad credit online. However, make sure that you deal only with reliable vendors online. End