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Follow on Google News | Sow an Act, Reap a Habit. Sow a Habit, Reap a Character. Sow a Character, Reap a DestinyThose who Act wisely Now will have Insight in the Future to make Judicious Decisions. Those who save Prudently are Prepared for the Needs of Tomorrow.
In his book, James challenges readers to look beyond the political correctness, the ideologies and even ones own family ties, and then objectively, but impartially demand the Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth in all that they do and stand for. James says, "You will never know why people do, think and act the way they do until you first understand their concept of right and wrong. As the wrongs of our nation are captured in chapter after chapter, this will not only challenge your sense of duty, but also your patriotism and love for the American way of life." For those who feel that they are less than qualified to be a voice of reason, just remember it was plain folks just like us who refused to buckle to the accepted "norms" of tyranny, slavery, war and religious persecution who in the end managed to turn an upside down nation, right side up! Although we are as imperfect as our imperfect society, we still have a moral obligation to do what is good and fair for all. However, the real question is, "Are we prepared to stand, even if it means standing alone?" "The book is everything in a nutshell that I've always wanted to say to people every day when I meet them." You Reap What You Sow not only offers readers the rare opportunity to examine a host of social and governmental decisions over the last 40 years, but also an invitation to get involved as a voice of change. Once enlightened, you then have a choice to go forward or backward; you cannot remain neutral. The launch of the book happened on Amazon January 15, 2017. This Best Seller is Available now in Print at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, CreateSpace, Lulu Incorporated and Kindle format on Amazon. James Langston is an International speaker who's Really Simply Syndication (RSS) broadcasts reaches a wide range of corporate, civil, and educational audiences throughout the United States, but also across five continents. You can learn more about him & his services at Click Here and enjoy a short Video Trailer of "You Reap What You Sow" James Langston is available for interviews, media appearances, book signings, and speaking engagements. End