New Guide Details Crowdfunding and other Creative Ways to Fund Your BusinessA greater understanding of funding options in todays economy and making sense of highly uncertain business environments.
By: John DeGaetano Productions Book covers straightforward information in condensed format about understanding funding and options available as a small business, ($7.99 Amazon) author John DeGaetano taps 25 years of business and financial knowledge to outline successful planning strategies for small business growth in today's changing world. "The greatest challenges an entrepreneur faces through various stages of business are related to: Finding and Securing Capital," says John DeGaetano. "We've assembled 16 funding options in today's economy and the safety or risk of various ways to finance business." Book covers: Financing Startup Costs, Expansion, Purchasing Inventory, and Funding projects from Operations or Production in a changing economic atmosphere. This may mean if interest rates were to rise, consumer spending change, recession, product, service or technology shift, travel hesitation, or other foreign issue or world uncertainty. Includes a well collected list of "forward thinking" tips and valuable business resources to help make your business a success in uncertain times. "Challenging is the task of funding; deciding what the future may hold and how it affects your goals, says DeGaetano. "If you truly want to grow, then planning… is a necessity. Additionally, your business ideas should be a written document – and manageable so that the business can survive in increasingly changing times or volatile marketplaces." About the Author: John DeGaetano is a certified business advisor, former bank executive with a strong background in management and leadership. He has extensive experience in administration, marketing, sales planning, management, financial analysis and recently earned the national designation Northern California's State Star for outstanding performance in assisting small businesses. John is also a NxLevel instructor to businesses in areas of business planning, and finance. Also Director, Artistic Director, Consultant and Author, John has been involved in musical theatre most of his life; director credits; Evita, Cats, Pirates of Penzance, Joseph/Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, Chicago. He's assisted with numerous productions, radio, television, and directed his own short play in New York and a short series in London. John has written several full-length plays and a selection of Sherlock Holmes 10 Minute Plays. Inquire about plays and in-person presentations. Books available on Amazon, bookstores. For more information, Contact Us or visit: Website **** Also available: Connecting your Business Plan to a Modern World - Amazon New book designed specifically for start ups, start up thinkers, entrepreneurs, existing businesses, and students improves success in writing a strategic business plan. End
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