Leomark Studios Banks On Indiegogo To Build Audience

Horror Thriller Film "Calculating Euphoria" Calculated to Succeed
Calculating Euphoria is headed for production
Calculating Euphoria is headed for production
LOS ANGELES - April 21, 2017 - PRLog -- Leomark Studios is taking a "web page" out of bigger producers' books with its crowdfunding campaign launched wide on April 21. CALCULATING EUPHORIA is a psychological thriller about two best friends on the road to Hollywood, starring Zach Tinker (Murder in the First, Dear Diary I Died) and James Nitti (Dragons of Camelot, Locating Silver Lake). Leomark's IndieGoGo campaign has multiple goals: raise seed funds, tap into the existing horror/thriller fanbase, build an audience for the movie, and attract more investors.

Inspired by successful crowdfunding projects like Shout Factory's recent MYSTERY SCIENCE 3K reboot, along with similar tactics used by platforms like Fandor to create original content, the boutique production and distribution company is creating "pre-awareness" for CALCULATING EUPHORIA through social media.

"We've been selling and distributing movies since 2011," says Leomark CEO Erik Lundmark. "Before that, we worked for years in production and post-production. We know what's good and what sells, and CALCULATING EUPHORIA is both."

"The beauty of this script is that we can make it on a tiny budget because it's all about the characters and the acting," says Leomark co-founder Maria Collis. "This is the ideal project for Leomark. It lets us showcase the great quality we can produce with passion, limited funds and a talented team. That's the heart and soul of indie filmmaking for us. And that's why crowdfunding is a perfect fit: It's all about the community supporting the arts."

Leomark, which is distributing the film as well as producing it, hopes to raise $30,000 of its $120K budget by campaign's end on May 14. For more information, visit the film's IndieGoGo page: https://igg.me/at/TeamEuphoria or email info@leomarkstudios.com

Founded in 2007, Leomark Studios is a Los Angeles-based production and distribution company with titles in release worldwide on all platforms including theaters, television, DVD and VOD. Recent domestic releases include the sci-fi fantasy Star Leaf (https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/star-leaf/id1047877273) featuring Russell Hodgkinson (Z-Nation) and the dark comedy Bad People (https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/bad-people-2016/id1166692675) featuring Ben Gleib (The Book of Life) and Leah McKendrick (Bad Moms). Romantic drama and festival darling Comfort (http://www.comfortmovie.com/), starring YouTube stars Christopher Dinh and Julie Zhan, recently premiered on major VOD platforms in 60 countries.

Maria Collis
Leomark Studios PRs
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