Busted! Australian cyber expert tracks alleged ransomware criminal similar to 'WannaCry' attack, and it is not North Korea!Simon Smith, a real expert from eVestigator, a Cybersecurity and Forensic Investigation and Innovative R&D company headquartered in Melbourne, Australia, has used strategic counter social engineering to attain identifying details reversing the origins of computer locking Ransomware, with surprising results - to give to the NSA.
By: eVestigator Cyber IT & Forensic Expert IT Svc Cybersecurity, Forensic Investigator and Computer Programming Expert Simon Smith of eVestigator has managed to socially engineer an alleged Ransomware criminal into turning their VPN off to uncover their true identity. Mr. Smith has had enormous success in finding Cybercriminals. "It seems to come naturally," he said. His success stems from a lifetime of logical expertise in programming and information security. Mr. Smith then added Computer Forensics and Cybercrime Investigation into his C-Level skillset, and that is when he says he saw synergy. "In catching almost 500 Cybercriminals I guess I can put it down to experience, instinct and a bit of luck in predicting the mindset of the various forms of Cybercriminals and Cybersecurity attackers," Mr. Smith said. "There is a human element that takes you to a higher level than being an expert in technology, and this is where many people get mistaken in this industry," said Mr. Smith. In this case, Mr. Smith used proprietary techniques to engineer the alleged criminal to turn their VPN off to establish a real IP address. Mr. Smith has notified authorities and believes this finding will not only likely lead to an arrest, but uncover enormous data over many of what he calls 'myths' about 'North Korea'. Mr. Smith stated, "He has proof this variant is not North Korea." He has encouraged industry to contact him to share his research with them. ::Sample of the Ransomware text demanding 9 bitcoins:: "You need to obtain private key ... The single copy of the private key, which will allow you to decrypt the files, is located on a secret server on the internet ...The server will destroy the key within 24 hours after encryption completed .... need to pay 9 bitcoins ... and send us an email to : *@tutanota.com..." _______________________ CONTACT SIMON SMITH 🏆Vote for Simon Smith as the 2018 Cyber Professional of the Year before December: Vote for me? https://cybersecurity- Direct: +61410643121. Connect for Insights and Media Requests on LinkedIn: Connect before I reach the limit: https://www.linkedin.com/ Commercial Site: http://www.cybersecurity.com.au Blog: http://www.cyberblog.com.au Twitter: e_forensic Subscribe to all media interviews via my YouTube Channel by clicking here: TV: https://www.youtube.com/ Media Contact eVestigator Cyber IT & Forensic Expert IT Svc Simon Smith forensic@evestigator.com.au 0410643121 Photos: https://www.prlog.org/ https://www.prlog.org/ https://www.prlog.org/ End