Prostate Enlargement or Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Can Be Treated Naturally by Improving Blood Circulation in Prostate GlandMen with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) or enlarged prostate should receive treatment with therapeutic device in the first place, as it is effective and can protect them from long-term BPH medication and surgeries. Fine Treatment delivers the device, which provides Thermobalancing therapy, worldwide and men can use it at home.
By: Fine Treatment A peer-reviewed articles have been published in top medical journals confirming effectiveness of the device for non-malignant prostate diseases: BPH and chronic prostatitis / chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CP/CPPS).It is important as the occurrence of LUTS increases with age. BPH affects about 50% of men between the ages of 51 and 60 and up to 90% of men older than 80. The clinical investigations have shown that Dr. Allen'r Device provides lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) and pain relief. Moreover under thermobalancing therapy the size of inflamed or enlarged prostate reduces dramatically, read more at "Therapeutic device is effective as it treats the cause of enlarged prostate," comments Dr. Simon Allen. "Thermobalancing therapy harmless and effective treatment option for men with BPH and chronic prostatitis, helping get relief from lower urinary tract symptoms and pain without antibiotic and medication." It is known that BPH medications in long-term use and prostate surgeries may develop severe side effects and complications, reducing men's quality of life. Other treatment options are not effective as they unable to improve blood circulation in the affected prostate tissue. At the same time you can read how the device helps in medical articles, for instance in Cogent Medicine Journal, "Thermobalancing conservative treatment for moderate to low degree lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) secondary to prostate enlargement," Dr. Simon Allen and Fine Treatment: Dr. Simon Allen, MD, PhD, is a highly experienced medical professional specialising in internal medicine. He has treated a wide range of chronic diseases, including patients after a heart attack; with kidneys problems, including kidney stones disease; prostate diseases: BPH and CP/CPPS; spine ailments (upper and lower back pain and sciatica). Fine Treatment delivers Dr. Allen's Devices worldwide via Royal mail tracking service for over 7 years, having satisfied customers in over 100 countries. End
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