How To Use Gratitude to Brand Your Business

How Gratitude Advances Marketing and Business - Using Gratitude to Brand Your Business
By: Inet Marketing Group
LOS ANGELES - July 7, 2017 - PRLog -- Bardi Was Just Featured on ABC TV and In Forbes Magazine

Social media networks are ripe with bragging, selling and "regurgitating"

their product or service online without building relationships, according to NY Times bestselling author and branding expert Bardi Toto Drake. She attributes her success via Social Media to branding with gratitude.

An innovative idea Bardi had which went viral overnight using gratitude changed the way many people on social media approached their posts and reached out to others.

She has gotten the attention of American Airlines, Starbucks, Kathy Ireland, ABC, NBC, TV Realty Shows, Celebrities, radio and sports personalities by branding herself with gratitude as well as other businesses.

Bardi provides the following examples for each of the big social networks of how users can express gratitude to brand themselves.

YouTube -

Share videos on various social networking sites, commenting to express your appreciation of their content and value to you.


Retweet someone's comment. Retweets not only provide great info for your network, but also recognize someone's contribution to your twitterverse. A retweet is recognition of someone's value to you. That's a form of thanks.
It's also important to Tweet someone's photo/article/blog post/informative essay, because they've said something you find interesting and you're recognizing it publicly.

Make sure to give public recognition via #FollowFriday (or #ff). By giving a shout out, you are showing someone you are grateful and your own followers can learn from them. Make a comment.


You can comment on an update, news story or just about anything else to show your gratitude. Tell people, "Hey, I appreciate you putting that up." The media and businesses have promoted to "like" something on Facebook so much Toto says it has become over saturated. It takes a second to comment and goes 100 percent further.

Facebook Live

You can comment on someone's Facebook Live, share and make comments. I have made a Facebook Live video sharing a business, book review as well as a testimony about another person or business tagging them in the Facebook Live Video.


The very best way to express gratitude on LinkedIn? Recommend someone, congratulate someone on their job anniversary or endorse them for a particular skill set they have. It takes less than five minutes and adds weight and credibility to their profile. If a connection performs a great service for you (your mechanic, your advisor, your real estate agent), write them a recommendation.


Reposting pictures, sharing, liking, using # hashtags to acknowledge a company and following others on Instagram is a way to show gratitude for the information someone else has shared. Bardi Toto says Instagram will surpass Facebook in 2017, partly because pictures do say a thousand words and are eye candy to the consumer whether it is business to business or business to consumer.

Bardi Toto  says she has not even touched on all the ways you can use Gratitude to brand yourself online. In her webinar Branding with Gratitude, she gives more ideas. To join the webinar, go to Bardi also has Gratitude programs for corporations and Fortune 500 companies.

Learn More about Bardi Toto at

Inet Marketing Group LLC

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