Roof Maxx Launches World's First Sustainable Solution for Asphalt Shingle RoofsBy: Roof Maxx "For nearly five years, my brother, Todd, and I have been working on a sustainable solution for asphalt shingle roofs," said Mike Feazel, CEO and Co-founder of Roof Maxx Technologies, LLC. "With research and development help from The Ohio Soybean Council, The Ohio State University and Battelle Memorial Institute, we're at the leading edge of asphalt roofing sustainability." When installed new roof shingles have oil in the asphalt that allows for daily expansion and contraction, critical for performance and longevity. As they age, the oil begins drying out (between 6-12 years, depending upon the region and the intensity of the sun). This causes the asphalt to become brittle and, over time, the roof slowly breaks apart. It's the same process of deterioration that a road undergoes. First there are cracks and then potholes appear. Roof Maxx re-saturates dry brittle shingles with millions of beads of soy oil that restore flexibility. Roof Maxx uses Soy-Fusion Technology that allows soy methyl esters (soy oil) to penetrate the top protective coating deep into the waterproofing asphalt — the shingle's essential protective layer. Roof Maxx's rejuvenating oil quickly restores flexibility and waterproofing of the asphalt to extend life and give maximum protection. In addition to its savings and rejuvenating powers, Roof Maxx has two other important benefits. One is peace of mind. Since the solution is soy based, Roof Maxx is 100% safe for people, pets, property, and the environment. It also helps reduce landfill waste and, therefore, is friendlier to the environment than a total roof replacement. Additional information about Roof Maxx can be found on their website at: End
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