B2B Marketing Automation Buyer's Checklist Released by Four Quadrant

Pragmatic Checklist Pinpoints Important Considerations for Organizations Engaging with a Marketing Automation Platform Vendor
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SAN FRANCISCO - Sept. 12, 2017 - PRLog -- Four Quadrant LLC, the premier provider of B2B go to market strategy and tactical resources, has released its latest marketing resource – the Marketing Automation Buyer's Checklist for B2B Marketers.

Marketing automation functionality includes lead capture, scoring, segmentation and nurturing, on- boarding, retention, cross-selling, up-selling and customer loyalty.  A segment of SaaS technology spending, marketing automation solutions are typically a marketing purchase within B2C and B2B organizations for creating a managed, repeatable process to systematically build a sales pipeline that converts to revenue.  Numerous analysts and vendor research reports indicate that two-thirds of the B2C and B2B market has purchased marketing automation platforms (MAPS) with another 20% planning to purchase MAPs within the next two years.

Before investing in a MAP, B2B marketers should create a marketing automation buyer's checklist to ensure the right solution is purchased.  Some of the questions B2B marketers need to ask their organizations and themselves are:

• What business outcomes are expected from the purchase of a marketing automation platform (MAP)?
• Will the MAP support marketing and sales or only marketing?
• What capabilities does the demand generation (DemGen) and account-based marketing (ABM) require?
• What social media requirements must be met?
• What user interface (UI) and what type of user experience (UX) must be delivered?
• What are the organization's reporting and analytics needs?
• What integration capabilities and APIs does the existing IT infrastructure demand?

According to Peter Buscemi, Managing Partner and Founder of Four Quadrant LLC, "Combined with a solid go to market plan, the successful implementation of a marketing automation platform can increase operational efficiencies, lower costs, predictably grow revenue faster, correlate marketing spend to revenue and increase marketing ROI."  Buscemi explains that a MAP is not a substitute for an ineffective marketing organization, lack of a proper go to market strategy or poor go to market tactics and execution.  Buscemi sums it up by saying, "Organizations must build on solid go to market fundamentals. If these fundamentals are not in place, any investment in marketing automation is like painting over dry rot."

All of Four Quadrant's go to market resources are designed to enable B2B sales professionals and marketers to leverage proven methods, processes and templates. These methods have been effectively used at G1000 companies, startups, venture capital firms and at the executive MBA level to design, develop and execute go to market strategies and tactics.

About Four Quadrant LLC

Four Quadrant LLC was founded by Peter Buscemi, a seasoned CMO with three decades of experience spanning start-ups to Fortune 500 companies in addition to advising portfolio companies and teaching at the executive MBA level. The sole mission of Four Quadrant LLC is to provide B2B go-to-market resources for sales executives and marketers to effectively develop go-to-market strategies and execute go-to-market tactics. https://www.fourquadrant.com


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