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Follow on Google News | Rely on qualified experts while you decide to buy online used machinesHow do you know if a company specialized in buy and sell online is reliable?
By: Makinate The reason for this choice are various; for example, selecting a used machine guaranteesz in 90% of the cases the chance to view it still connected and test it if it is still in production. Surely then there is a factor of attraction regarding the price of the machine, which, although used, are of excellent quality. With the Industry 4.0 and the 2.0 Shopping, a company decides to search the used machine online, and sometimes want someone that is specialized in buy and sell used industrial machines. How do you know if the company specialized in buy and sell used industrial machines is reliable? Let's talk about Makinate, that with his website is online since 2015 and it is become one of the company leader in buy and sell used industrial machines. First, Makinate always guarantees reliability and courtesy but above all employee's experiences Makinate employees follow their customers from the beginning of negotiations to the conclusion of the buying process. How Makinate guarantees the security during the online process of buying a used industrial machine? After a fist contact between employee and customer with the contact form of the website, they usually know each other by a phone call. During the call, they design the machine that the customer needs. The catalogue has more than 5000 used machines, organized in machine tools, sheet metal machines and plastic machines. Even if the research is so easy on the website the employee can find more easly the right offers. Let's see this case: A client needs a vertical lathe in Italy. Makinate's employee ask if he has any preferences about the year or the brand. The client says that he wants a Mori Seiki lathe but he doesn't have preferences about the year. So, the member of Makinate staff presents him several lathes with this particular characteristics sending him this link: Once the client decides only one lathe, Makinate organize a meeting with the client and the seller of the machine to close the sale. So, Makinate guarantees 100% support during all the purchasing process. This is an important characteristic that not all the company can guarantee. If you want to know more about Makinate, visit our website: End
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