UConn's "Time Travel Scientist" Ronald L. Mallett Deleted From TEDxVienna By TEDx

In yet another set back, the video of Ronald L. Mallett's time travel presentation at last year's TEDxVienna event, has been deleted across all platforms at the insistence of the TEDx organization, due to Mallett's fraudulent activities with WPM.
The video still from the now deleted TEDxVienna video of Ronald Mallett
The video still from the now deleted TEDxVienna video of Ronald Mallett
VIENNA - Sept. 18, 2017 - PRLog -- University of Connecticut's Ronald L. Mallett, world famous for his self-proclaimed breakthroughs in
time travel physics, has been hit with the most devastating  set-back yet, in a series beginning last March when the Federal Trade Commission filed suit against Mallett ally and supporter, Scott J. Cooper and his invention promotion firm, World Patent Marketing. Mallett was an advisory board member.

The FTC accused Cooper and WPM of bilking inventors out of millions of dollars stemming from fraud and misrepresentation. Mallett's troubles are from his collusion with Cooper to expand into the area of advanced technology with a promotional video rife with misleading and false statements, which Mallett personally promoted on Twitter. This, and overwhelming evidence that Mallett's time travel research is nonexistent, caused the TED organization to have their TEDx division to look into whether TEDxVienna's continued promotion of a video of Mallett speaking at their event, violated TED and TEDx standards. After TEDx informed Marshall Barnes, who had brought it to TED's attention, that they would investigate, the video was eventually pulled by TEDxVienna from all platforms across the web.

"This is exactly what I predicted", Marshall Barnes said, Mallett's chief critic, arch enemy and confessed victim of Ronald Mallett's chicanery from back in 2007 when, in an attempt to help Mallett, he promised to back off his own research into developing his existing technology in the time travel direction, to allow Mallett a chance to finish developing his own and live up to the acclaim he was getting. Mallett was given 5 years to do so and instead, he squandered that time pursuing fame and celebrity status and then turned down the opportunity to work with Marshall on his project because he claimed Marshall had no "credentials".

"That's when I told him that if my technology worked, he and the University of Connecticut, would lose all rights to claims of having the first time machine."

Marshall didn't learn Mallett hadn't continued his research or made any serious effort at raising needed funds until around 2014, after Marshall had already beaten Mallett the year before in the race to build the first small scale time machine. Mallett had stopped saying he already had the first time machine, but that changed to 'he was working on building the first time machine' not long before the announcement that he had joined forces with Cooper.

"When Mallett joined forces with Scott Cooper it was under the pretense the competition to build the first time machine hadn't been won, which was a lie. It was obvious Mallett misled Cooper into believing all of the baseless hype I call the Mallett Myth. Cooper was conned by Mallett into thinking he could pull off a big $500 million dollar fund raising scheme for Mallett called Time Travel X, based on Mallett's B.S. physics and what they could pretend to do with it in the telecommunications field."

That's when Marshall declared war on both men, confident he would prevail because he knew he would be launching a series of significiant breakthroughs destroying the claims of technical superiority Cooper had been making.

When Cooper launched Time Travel X for sale, a new battle front opened for Marshall to use Florida state law to attack Mallett and Cooper on the basis the two men colluded to use fraudulant and misleading advertising to sell Time Travel X units. When the Florida AG's office informed Marshall his report had been forwarded to the FTC because of their investigation of World Patent Marketing and Cooper, Marshall knew it meant his allegations against them would now have added weight. Marshall weaponized the investigation to destroy Mallett on a more effective level. That, plus the Florida AG's office legitimizing Marshall's allegations by sending them to the FTC - in addition to Mallett's own actions, like tweeting approval of the distribution of the blatently misleading World Patent Marketing video, was all it took to convince African American Registry to completely remove their web page honoring Mallett as a "Scientist of Time Travel", instead of just the time travel hype, as requested by Marshall. The same was the deal breaker for TEDx (see www.tedxvienna.at/watch/the-real ). Mallett clearly violated both TED and TEDx standards for speakers, though TEDxVienna had resisted taking any action, forcing Marshall to go over their heads.

"TEDxViennna completely drank the Ronald Mallett Kool Aid and were conned, just like Mallett tries to con everyone. But I knew I would win."

One of Mallett's most effective tactics as a con artist is to use the death of his father to gain sympathy and the reason why he wanted to become a scientist to build a time machine - to save his father in the past. But Marshall points out if that were true, why would Mallett stop with a time machine design that wouldn't do the job? He says the answer is simple - Mallett saw he was getting famous and decided that's what he really wanted.

"The world is beginning to realize what a fraud and con artist Ronald Mallett really is. If it wasn't true, he'd still be in the African American Registry and TEDxVienna, he wouldn't have gotten involved with an obvious con man like Scott J. Cooper and he wouldn't have lied and betrayed me and turned me into the man who is now destroying his phony time travel physics career and will show him the same mercies Achilles showed Hector, at the walls of Troy".

Jake Shisler
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Tags:TEDxVienna, Ronald Mallett, Tedx
Location:Vienna - Vienna - Austria
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