Pro Home Improvement Recognized as Top 5 Contractor by Qualified RemodelerOverall, Pro Home Improvement placed #313 in the entire United States, which is the top 0.01% of all remodeling businesses. Within the state of Michigan, Pro Home Improvement placed #8 across all categories and #5 in the Home Improvement contractor category. See more detail at the Qualified Remodeler website. We humbly and gratefully accept this recognition of our tireless efforts to provide excellent home improvement services to the southeastern Michigan area. Our team of salespeople, project managers, construction workers and administrative staff ALL play a role in creating one of the best home improvement companies in the country. You can read more about why Pro was selected to join such a prestigious list and the other companies that were selected by checking out Qualified Remodeler Magazine, a great place to find out the latest trends and news in the home improvement space. Thank you for being a part of our success. No home improvement company can exist without happy, satisfied clients and we look forward to serving you. End
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