SRS Tech PR – How to Get Contributed Articles into Top Tech PublicationsHow to work with editors, what they are looking for, and what makes a good contributed article effective.
By: SRS Tech PR Media Relations How to get contributed and bylined articles into your industry's top trade publications to feature your company's products, services, and technologies SRS Tech PR Media Relations, based in San Diego, California, one of the world's top and most experienced media relations companies for technology companies, today announced the availability of their newest article - "How to Get the Top Industry Publications to Promote your Company for Free - What are the Top Tech Editors Looking for?" You don't need BIG news or to buy advertising to get the word out about your company. With input from several well-known technology editors, this new article explains how effective it is to use "earned media" resources like bylined and contributed articles to promote and publicize your products, technologies and services. The article explains how to work with editors, what they are looking for, and what makes a good contributed article effective. It also includes what not to do – the kinds of mistakes that PR and marcom people make that get them banned from ever appearing in an publication's pages or website. Creating and submitting contributed articles, blogs, Q&A's, etc., has been proven to be an very effective way to spotlight yourself, your company and its products and services. Having a third-party company, an industry leading publication, publish your articles, demonstrates to your customers that you have a valued product – that this respected industry magazine believes in what you say and in what your products and technologies can do. Properly leveraged, that is a powerful sales and marketing force. This new article is available at http://www.srs- More about SRS Tech PR SRS Tech PR is a full service PR Agency with over 25 years of highly successful public and media relations experience - primarily with embedded, OEM and technology companies. This includes industrial sensors & switches, telecom, Internet technologies, streaming media and video, embedded hardware and software, consumer and enterprise electronics, B2B software, eCommerce, sense & control systems, industrial and consumer wireless networks, zigbee, WiFi, etc. SRS Tech has developed and placed thousands of articles in publications like ECN, Product Design & Development, Sensors Magazine, Electronic Design, Product Design & Development, eConsultancy, Wireless Design & Development, EE Catalog, Connecting Industry, DesignWorld, etc. Mark Shapiro has been doing technology PR for nearly 30 years, and in that time span, has worked with almost all the top technology editors and industry trade publications. For more information, visit http://www.srs- End